I was just wondering how many of you have ever bothered to read the "terms of service". For you Mr.Johnson, I offer this, Under paragraph 6. Member Conduct: "You understand that by using the Service, you may be exposed to Content that is offensive, indecent or objectionable." Of Course there is the following as well: "YT is concerned about the safety and privacy of all its users, particularly children." And, "b. harm minors in any way;" So, I guess there is something in the TOS to cover both sides of the argument. Now, I think as a parent, if your child is using the computer to browse websites, you have the responsibility to check on what they are doing and the sites they visit. We are NOT here to raise your kids. If Jim is going to let his kids or grandkids view this site, then it"s HIS responbility to educate them on what is right and wrong and what they see here. The photo in itself isn"t as much offensive or disturbing from what can be seen in National Geographic or in any magazine or newspaper. Turn on the TV, Jim. Maybe you haven"t seen the news lately either. You"ve agreed to the TOS Jim or you wouldn"t be posting here. As for his picture being a link to his own site, I didn"t know that before today. In reading the TOS I didn"t find any section that limits or prevents the making of picture post"s in the forums. The only problem I see with posting pictures in the forums is for user"s with limited internet connectivity. Might take a long time to download. The viewer of this forum may need a choice. I also didn"t find anything that prevents a user from inserting "links" in a post. In fact, YT mag has paragraph just to explain "Links". I visited Cowmans website. While I agree that it is of similiar content I don"t see where he is infringing on any rights of this site. I think he should if he doesn"t already provide a link to here. Free advertising. Win - Win? Ofcourse, Kim has a right to prevent use of this website for any reason, including the right to remove content. It"s in the TOS. She could"ve kicked Cowman to the curb without explanation. Cowman, I suggest you post your picts where asked, in the photo album and just put a link in your post. What really happens is those that have slow internet can choose to view or not. Could this have been handled privately, yes. Should it have been, probably. Instead an example has been made that only a few of the users of this site will take note of (and Jim is happy now.) Enough Politics. This is a tractor website. To bad we can"t get this post "locked". Lets make this the last word.