MyFreind, I have to agree with you. 1.) I'm about as plain and simple of a country redneck as God ever put on this earth, and have fathered 4 boys (LORD help me!)who have had their share of hurts, injuries, and wrecks. I lost the eldest at just short of 18 years, due to the lingering effects of a severe birth injury. My kids have NOT be coddled, or raised in a "politically correct fashion". Yet, every time I saw that photo I cringed. When I was 4 or 5, I stuck one of my Grandma's hairpins in an outlet, causing it to vaporize, burning my hand, the scars of which I still have 45 years later. WHY did I do that (besides stupidity)? 'Cause my Uncle was an electrician, and I had watched him, countless times, check for power at outlets, by inserting the prongs of a neon test light, which I imitated with the hairpin. So, who says kids don't imitate what they see? 2.) Where I come from, a GENTLEMAN expects to follow the rules of his female host, while in her "parlor". (DISCLAIMER, I ADMIT there's been a handful of times over the years I have made a SHORT reference to something I've had on ebay, prefacing it with a disclaimer, so folks could easily avoid reading it. Usually, it has been in direct response to someone desparately seeking something not for sale on THIS site, or readily obtainable. Certainly not 50 or 100 times a day, though. So I'm NOT entirely innocent, either, and will accept chastisement from the management, if and when I "cross the line!) 3.) A CLASSY gentleman, having been "corrected" by his female host, would accept the chastisement GRACIOUSLY, and not TAUNT her. Stop and think, guys, this is not some "bashing board" that will go off-line in a few months. It is a POPULAR, long-lasting site, that is continuously being archived for posterity. Also, it is "under the wing" of corporate sponsorship, (read COMMERCIAL), which means DEEP POCKETS exposed to lawyers if anything DANGEROUS or potentially LITIGIOUS is allowed to go on (and ON), with the apparent "APPROVAL" of the site owner. So, in reality, KIM is acting within good corporate judgement by asking CM to refrain from continously posting that silly photo. There's a LOT of difference between a private "for fun" website, and this one, with commercial sponsorship. Also, if you think KIM is unreasonable with the "outside links" posted here, you should deal with Harry Matthews, the owner of the SMOKSTAK site. I was a longtime reader and contributor over there, and finally held my nose and walked away, after having several of my posts deleted, and being chastised through email by Harry for posting ANY outside links. He specifically despises KIM's site, and those were the links he deleted. They were in reply to posts that were NOT getting answers on SMOKSTAK, and I knew folks over here could answer them. It was NOT even a matter of COMMERCIAL CONTENT. No one was looking to BUY or SELL anything, just looking for some "oldiron" answers. Through apparent jealousy of ANY other "oldiron" sites, they got deleted, and folks went without knowledge they could have obtained, had the links been left, and contact had been made with certain "experts" over here. So, let's all try to live within KIM'S rules, and not make more out of this than KIM making a prudent business decision! CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG???? Bob... stepping off of his soapbox, and rushing to don asbestos underwear.... (OOOPS... can't do that anymore, either, NOT "PC") (or, is that "environmentally sound"), LOL!