Sometimes I like to go to tractor shows just to listen to the tractor gurus spout their knowledge. No matter what the make or model on display, there never seems to be a shortage of knowledge. I know a guy who made a loader tractor out of an Oliver 1850 by installing a front axle from a semi, along with a heavy sub frame, adding some kind of heavy duty loader (can’t recall the make), ending up with a kicka$$ unit for his efforts. One year when the local club was featuring Oliver, he took it. I happened to be standing nearby when a self appointed guru was telling a small audience all about when he used to be a field rep for Oliver, and how this was a one of a kind prototype produced at some out of the way secret location. (Maybe he got this from reading about the John Deere New Generation project, who knows?) I have also seen, (and since heard much about from faithful guru disciples), a combination of the rear half of a Farmall 300 attached to the front half of Super H, creating, with some fancy custom decal and serial number plate work, a one of a kind Super HTA. I have also heard of, (but not actually seen), the same thing done with a late model John Deere 4020 powershift grafted to the front of a 4320 to create a 4320 powershift. Does anybody know of any more of these legends floating around in coffee shops and on internet discussion forums?