Just like junk mail at the post office, it can come from many different locations.Your email address may be on someone's marketing list. That list may have been sold and/or traded around. Some companies may respect the email accounts on their lists - some may abuse them to the absolute maximum. Depending on who has your account, sometimes using the opt-out link at the bottom will help get you off their list. OR if they are unscrupulous, THEN they just know your account is really "live" and they bump you up to the "gold list" to sell to the next guy down the street and it just makes it worse. A lot of spam is generated by guessing. Spammers might have a "dictionary" of 200,000 common names and then a list of domains (@hotmail.com, @gmail.com, @sbcglobal.net), etc, and just pair all names to all domains... So it may be nothing you've done, or can control whatsoever. Some email may be generated to you from an acquaintance's virus infected PC - but this seems to be lessening somewhat. It doesn't help that so many people send jokes, petitions, boycotts against oil companies, etc, to everyone in their address book AND leave everyone's address visible to everyone else. That can allow "harvesting" of accounts to add to the mix. I have a main email account I use for "real" and a fake one that I never check that I use for signing up for website access (like newspapers, for example) or for giving to salesman that I don't care to hear from again. That helps. I maintain the email accounts for a domain and created a new account a few weeks ago that we wound up not using. I didn't tell anyone about it and no one ever used it. I happened to notice some time after that, that the account had already started getting spam! Most email providers these days are trying to keep it as clean as possible. The commercial filters for straining email can be very expensive. Hence, huge providers like hotmail, gmail, etc, can more thoroughly protect their accounts, so you might have better luck creating an account with one of them... Howard