Molly, as an Attorney and long time antique tractor show exhibitor, I can tell ya that roping off for safety reasons, is unfortunately, a necessity nowadays buttttt t a practice I certainly believe in regardless to reduce the risk of injury. DONT BLAME ME, IM JUST A RETIRED COUNTRY LAWYER I DIDNT MAKE THE LAWS LOL. The law of personal injury and negligence and liability concerns the legally imposed duty placed on individuals to "Not expose the plaintiff to a "Reasonably Foreseeable" Risk of Injury. The degree of duty owed varies widely dependant upon say an ordinary homeowner or a business and that due to a tresspasser which is wayyyyy yyyy less with others such as an attractive nuisance like a backyard swimming pool which normally attracts yougsters (better build a good high fence around it to lessen potential liability) The law would likely consider moving parts of machinery to pose a forseeable risk of harm, especially to naturally curious young spectators. Therefore, when you take steps like erecting barricades n ropes etc so as to lessen or minimize such a risk, you are taking reasonable steps to prevent such harm and doing right by the law plus reducing potential liability. I gave a seminar once at a John Deere Two Cylinder Expo where I was discussing the potential liability exhibitors or clubs might be exposed to in cases of imjury. Some basic advice in a nutshell would be for the club or exhibitors to discuss, plan for, be aware of potential hazards and take steps to prevent them such as ropes n barriers. Just cuz someone is injured (accidents do happen) dont necessarily mean another is legally liable, to be liable it has to first be shown the defendant owed a certain duty of care to the plaintiff, that he breached that duty of care, and that such was the proximate cause of the injury..... .. (Brings back memories of Mrs. Palsgraff versus Long Island Railroad lol) Sooooo oooo my free advice is to take such steps which can reduce the risk of injury (clubs and individuals),,,,, ,,have good blanket liability insurance coverage,,,,, ,,,,, exercise good diligence n safety procedures.... John T (Retired Electrical Enginner n Country Lawyer)