Allan, You must have a coil with a fair amount of primary resistance, or a Pertronix IgnitorII unit. The original Ignitor will only tolerate a coil with a fair amount of resistance (I can't remember the exact figure), and a coil with less resistance will cause all the smoke to be let out of the $$$$ module. Don't ask how I know this! The Ignitor II is smart enough to work with low primary resistance coils, making for a HOT spark, without losing all it's smoke! What REALLY ticked me off, though, was a Ignitor II unit for a special-order application (Ford grain truck that originally had factory EI) that "went south" about the second day into harvest. All was done according to the book... the unit was used with a new approved coil. Apparently, the unit was "new defective", but that didn't make the customer very happy, or myself, for that matter, when we had to rig up another ignition system to get him through harvest! (The wiring for the truck's original equipment electronic ignition system was destroyed in a cab fire, and we put in just the basic wiring, and special-ordered the IgnitorII to replace the complicated Ford system that had been "toasted".)