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Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get?

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Aaron Ford

12-21-2006 07:20:13

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From an ealier post, I saw that NW-bearcat got his missus a dishwasher, Iowa Bob got his wife jewelry.

I got the wife a digital camera. What did you get your wife?

Might help those that haven't went shopping yet....

This should be fun.

Let's go Mountaineers,


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12-22-2006 09:54:08

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
Day-Voriced! :)

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12-21-2006 21:07:57

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
mine likes those t.v. series dvds like dallas and little house on the prairie also some jewelry

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12-21-2006 20:00:07

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
Just heard tonight at the card club one of the guys wife let hiom know she wanted diamonds and lots of them, so he got a deck of cards. LOL I hope his dog has room for him.

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Gene Davis

12-21-2006 19:54:00

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
my wife selected her own present this year and i agreeded to pay for it. A new $6k Babylock brand sewing/embroidery machine. Whole lot of sewing going on?

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john cub owner

12-21-2006 19:01:59

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
Last year, a parts washer, and the year before a new snow shovel.

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12-21-2006 18:52:11

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
Several pc's. of Zuni Silver Jewlery from 2nd Mesa Siversmiths on the Reservation. She loves their work.Two first Edition Hard cover books from Barnes and Noble she has wanted.A Reel type Dog Leash for her little Chi-Hoo-Hoo/Pug Cross Puppy she just got. I even like the little Critter.Two new Goodyear Tires for the front of her car she has been complaining about wearing quickly with only 37,500 miles on them. The rears appear to be almost new. No rotation I think.I don't drive the Car or have much to do with it.

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Hoofer B

12-21-2006 18:45:01

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
A HO-Made fur coat and a smoke alarm with a snooze button.

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12-21-2006 18:25:42

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
I don't know yet. She don't let me know what I got her till Christmas morning.

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Dave from MN

12-21-2006 15:30:52

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
2 new hay rack beds, a new tire (1) for her mighty mini van, some cd's, maybe get her a pair of earings yet, if they are on sale. We kinda vowed to stop spending big bucks on eachother and apply the $$ to the morgage or assets for cropping the next few years. GFood woman I twll ya, wish she had some sisters.

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12-21-2006 15:15:49

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
After trying lots of other things, including expensive jewelry and stuff for around the house, I have condluded that I just cannot buy for her successfully on my own. So now I listen carefully through the year, and if there is anything she ASKS for, I get that (unless I think it is just too dumb!). I also get her gift cards at stores that I know she spends money at through the year.

Gift cards are easy and quick for me to get. And then she doesn't have to waste time and effort taking things back, but instead gets what she wants in the first place.

Is it thoughtful or romantic? No, I suppose it isn't, but it sure seems practical to me. We have been together for a very long time and she knows I love her. I like to think that we don't need a bunch of presents to prove anything.

Oh, and by the way, she is giving me a new Stihl chain saw for Christmas. Just exactly the model I wanted, picked out and paid for.

So I think we will both be happy with our "gifts". I do like the CHOCOLATE, CHOCOLATE, CHOCOLATE idea!

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John M

12-21-2006 15:12:15

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
My wife loves these Willow Tree angels so I get her 3 every year, one from me and one from each of my kids.but this may be the last year she gets these, her knick-knack rack is getting full.

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Rod in Smiths Falls, ON,

12-21-2006 15:10:33

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
It's powerful, does a lot of different jobs and has a PTO shaft for implements. Sound like a tractor? It's a 6 quart stand mixer.

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12-21-2006 14:41:58

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
Three items, chocolate, chocolate and chocolate.

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12-21-2006 14:18:54

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
I was told 26 years ago, never to buy her anything she can use around the house.[made that mistake once with pots and pans]. She loves the jewelry I get her every year.

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12-21-2006 13:53:06

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
Camcorder that records directly to a DVD that can go right into a computer or a DVD player. She wanted something to record the kids with.

First time in my life I went shopping on Black Friday, saved mw over a $100 getting it at Sears at 6:00am. Now that's freakin love.

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12-21-2006 13:31:47

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
These responses will be forwarded to Gloria Steinem.

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12-21-2006 13:25:18

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
I am rite lucky, she never found last years Christmas present (I hid it in the oven) so I think I will hide it again this year in the same place.

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12-22-2006 06:01:06

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Hobo,NC, 12-21-2006 13:25:18  
Exactly! If it weren't for frozen pizza, our oven would never get opened.

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12-21-2006 13:19:40

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
Jewelry, Gloves and tickets to The Blue Men Group.

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12-21-2006 11:32:14

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
A full blown high velocity geothermal heating system. This thing should end all her complaints of cold toes and fingers forever ! A red bow will adorn the thermostat, even though it won't be operational for a few weeks yet.
The cheap sweaters, hat, and gloves the last few years didn't cut it.

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12-21-2006 11:23:35

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
She's getting nothing this year.....she didn't use what I gave her last year (a cemetery plot).
She gave me two things last year...a sweater and lovin and they were both too big.

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12-21-2006 11:16:46

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
A 12 coupon ticket book- one for every month. Coupons states "Good for ONLY one shop visit". Gosh.... May have to disconnect the intercom also.....

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12-21-2006 11:06:23

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
A pair of snowshoes, a cute bra, and a earrings/necklace set.

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lee thomas

12-21-2006 11:05:43

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
I told mine if she would save all her money I would take her to fla. flywheelers swap meet in january then I could spend it

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Kent in KC

12-21-2006 10:56:02

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
One of those Biomedics Shiatsu back massager cushion things. Oooooh, those are NICE.

But, I do like the chipper/chainsaw ideas too!

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12-21-2006 10:32:24

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
Laptop. She retired a couple of months ago and the laptop she was using went back to the employer.Jim

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Jimmy King

12-21-2006 10:09:00

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
Now what you really should do take her to the large Dept. Store pull out two One Hundred Dollar Bills and say pick out your present, be sure you have two more bills in your pocket.

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12-21-2006 10:06:45

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
Her very own T.V....so I can watch what I want to on mine !!

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Hard Knocks

12-21-2006 09:57:51

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
I spoiled mine this year got here a Jonsred chainsaw,one of the big ones and an air compressor I done got tired of waiting on her to pump up the back tractor tires with the hand pump after she fixed them for me.

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Brian in Ohio

12-21-2006 09:33:43

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
A new cell phone with GPS tracking on it, so I can tell which store she's spending my money in...

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Sam (MO)

12-21-2006 09:29:07

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
well now fella's, the misses has been helping out alot since all the kids are gone. So I went and bought her a Missouri fox trotter. She already has her but, I'll still put a bow on her Monday mornig. Plus, that horse just might keep me sleeping inside the next time I mess up.


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Mike M

12-21-2006 09:28:05

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  

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12-21-2006 09:15:50

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
Two nightgowns...one for her and one for me! ;)

Also a DVD she wanted and some new sweats. She love wearing those around the house and her old ones are looking pretty worn.

Then the nice lady who works for me, and has been making scarves (crochet) for the last 3 weeks, let me pick one to give to my wife. She did all the work and I get to take the credit!

Oh, we already bought ourselves a new computer last month. That's our "big" gift to ourselves.

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Steve in in

12-21-2006 09:04:13

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
Last year I got verbally abused for telling people I got the witch a new broom, one of those rechargeable vacuum brooms by black and decker. It was all in jest. Well the part about it being a broom for the witch. I did get it and it is what she wanted.

So this year, I got her a new cauldron, I mean pot to make soup in. Its some fancy calphalon contemporary pot. (No, I'm just kidding... she got a couple of those for herself.)

I bought her a new pillow, actually two, that she wanted. They are cooling memory foam pillows. I also picked up a velour throw for her office. It gets really cold in there. The heat is inadequate.

I also bought a CD for her. She picked up a couple of Garth brooks CDs and some perfume. I'll probably also buy her a sweater too.


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12-21-2006 09:02:27

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
She don't need nothin' more... she's got me.

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12-21-2006 14:45:41

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Stud, 12-21-2006 09:02:27  
That's exactly what I say when I get asked.

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12-21-2006 08:44:21

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
she was always complaining about how noisey and dangerous that old Vermeer wood chipper was

so, I sold it and got a Bandit with hydralic feed, just for her

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12-21-2006 08:20:33

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
New clothes dryer. (50' of #9 wire, two post, and a bag of pins).

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12-21-2006 08:02:02

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
I got her an Ipod and loaded it with her favortie music and a bunch of family photos.

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12-21-2006 07:57:56

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
A China Cabinet. Used, but in great condition.

She will find out what it is Christmas morning...'till then, its covered, and she is banned from the shop. We'll probably move it inside after the 1st (when the tree comes down).

And I'm having fun teasing her about my secret! ;->


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Jim in N M

12-21-2006 07:57:53

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
I got her the same thing I got her last year,Close yer eyes and what do you see ! Not really, I did the jewerly and sweater thing !! Jim in N M

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Oscar the Grouch

12-21-2006 07:48:51

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
Well since all the Tickle Me Elmo's are sold out,I'm giving my Gal a Tickle Me Big Bird...LOL

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12-21-2006 07:57:50

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Oscar the Grouch, 12-21-2006 07:48:51  

Either a glove in the face,or a boot in the a$$.

Just kidding.A year subscription to the local paper and some lovin'. ~brad

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12-21-2006 07:33:09

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Aaron Ford, 12-21-2006 07:20:13  
I got her some tennis shoes--being shes pregnant and I don't want complaining on how her feet hurt, and then she maid the mistake ad said she wanted a fishing pole and tackle, so she got that too. I have back-up jewlery though, only if she gets mad though

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12-22-2006 06:05:52

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to RGBREDANGUS, 12-21-2006 07:33:09  
Good idea to have a backup piece of jewelry stashed someplace. Never know when you might forget a B-day or anniversary...

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12-21-2006 07:41:33

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to RGBREDANGUS, 12-21-2006 07:33:09  
A new rock to wash the clothes on!

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12-21-2006 08:09:54

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 Re: Gifts for da Wimmens-Whadya get? in reply to Animal, 12-21-2006 07:41:33  
Now thats funny !

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