Put the tilt all the way up, to minimize pressure on the big spring. There is a steel cup at the back of the spring, with a square hole in it. Grab a Phillips screwdriver big enough so it won't pass through the square hole, but small enough so it's "flutes" grab the square hole in the metal cup. PUSH on the screwdriver and rotate the steel cup CCW, releasing the cup and the spring. Using a slide-hammer dent puller, install a 1" long screw, IIRC, #8-32 (POSSIBLY 10-32) in place of the sheet metal screw the dent puller came with. Thread the screw into a hinge pin, give it a couple of light yanks with the dent puller, and it will come out. Same with the other pin. When done, you can use the dent puller the opposite wat to tap the pins back in. It gets easier and quicker after a couple of dozen times! Oh, yeah, and use some Loctite on those darn screw way down in there, so the don't loosen again. OR, get a special puller to pull the pivot pins, like these: (I find the slide hammer quicker and easier.) Here's a couple of sites:
Link http://www.gnttype.org/techarea/suspension/t_steering.html