Hi Ken, Could be a lot things depending on which transmission you have. But, just off the top of my head, that really does sound like the forward sprague is not grabbing and it's dropping you clear back down to 2nd gear missing 3rd entirely. You hit the brakes and the difference in the speeds of the driving members causes it to "re-set", take another, better bite and away you go again. This transmission cannot stand any kind of "additives". Makes that joker slip every time. Now, if the truck is in fact a '93 instead of a '92, it would be electric and a momentary loss of electrical contact could also cause it to drop to second gear, which is it's "default" gear. Does this truck have a transmission cable running up to the throttle body on the drivers side? Has this been going on for some time or has it just started this symptom? Like I say, just a knee-jerk response to your question. Allan