1984 Ford 1510, just resolved some electrical issues in the last few days (see this thread --> Link Now I have a new problem and would appreciate any help from those more knowledgeable. I went to start the tractor today, turned the key to the left to heat the glow plugs, and suddenly the little piece of curled wire inside the housing of the glow plug indicator turned bright orange and melted.  What is the most common reason for this? Could it result from faulty key switch wiring? Here is a picture from the repair manual. I connected the two wires from the glow plug indicator to terminals 17 ("to glow plug indicator") and 19 ("from glow plug indicator"). I then attached the black glow plug lead that feeds directly to the glow plugs themselves to terminal 17 ("to glow plugs"), which is what the picture below seems to suggest. Everything else is attached correctly. I can crank the tractor at this point, just cannot get any heat to the glow plugs.

Here is a picture of the GP circuit, showing the wiring another way. The little curly wire (number 2) is what melted.

Did I wire the switch incorrectly? Is there a way to heat the glow plugs without having to go through the key switch? Thanks for any assistance.