Now, first let me say that I'm not recomending this. That said, here's my story. We live on a road no one ever uses except during hunting season. Two neighbors between me and a bigger road going toward town. Going the other way, no neighbors at all before a paved road with better access to the highway and town. When we first built our house years ago, I would count perhaps half a dozen cars a week going by while working during the days. One spring afternoon about three years ago, a pickup stopped on the hillside up from our gate. Lots of woods on the road and limited visibility off the road. There was the pop of a small caliber rifle. I had two small children out in the yard. When someone starts shooting around my family when they don't even know they are there, it gets under my skin.Boy, I started yelling. I ran up to the gate just as they started coming down the hill. I had thought about standing there with a shotgun, but changed my mind. I gave them a dirty look as they drove by. I'm 6'3" and 250# with a build like I used to play football. My dirty looks usually carry some weight. Here's the part I don't really recommend. I then hopped in my truck and started following them. When they realized I was back there, they really put on speed. I never got close to them before they got on the highway. Well, it was just 3 teen boys going down a 'deserted' country road after school so they could make some noise with a gun. Never saw them on the road again. I did recognize the pickup in town the next week. Driven by a kid who worked in the evening at the local grocery store. Never talked with him about the incident, but did talk with him about other things on a few occasions. Nice kid. What's the point? Teen boys will do crazy things (like none of us were ever there). Sometimes they just need to be straightened out a little. Hope everything comes out alright. Just keep your cool. Christopher