Allan, Actually in the capacity that the ignition coil serves as a transformer having a primary thats inductively/magnetically coupled to a secondary, whats happening and what the load is over on the secondary side DOES INDEED AFFECT THE PRIMARY. If you apply voltage to a transformer that has an open unloaded secondary the current draw would be X amps HOWEVER as you load down that secondary and it supplies amps into a load the primary would draw more current. I.E. THE PRIMARY DOES CARE WHATS HAPPENING AT THE SECONDARY. Those Pertronix high performance wires are spiral wound and use a carbon core. While they are still of relatively low (though more then straight regular coper core) DC resistance they have a certain inductive (coils of wire) impedance and can provide a certain degree of loading or ballasting over on the secondary when that fast rising high voltage spike occurs headed out to fire the usually wider gapped plugs. They have superior insulation quality versus standard ignition wires intended for use at lower operating voltages. NOWWWWW WWW hey Im NOT saying pure straight non spiral copper core wires dont work and they indeed have less DC resistance and AC impedance ann could waste some small degree less energy as heat versis the Pertronic high perf wires ALL IM SAYING IS THAT if you consider the whole entire design of the entire Pertronix Ignition system, if they recommend the use of those wires to serve as some loading and ballasting (maybe call it cushioning) to dampen out the severe fast rising higher primary voltage n current THEY MAYYYYY YYYYY HAVE A REASON FOR DOING IT which is why I say ASK PERTRONIX for their recommendations on the best plug wires NOTTTTT TTTTT me or any of us other dudes THEY MAY INDEED HAVE ENGINEERING REASONS for using those spiral wound somewhat more resistive or inductive plug wires IN ADDITION to their superior insulating qualities. Sure pure straight copper is fine n will work thats NOT the issue. To me the issue is ASK PERTRONIX cuz there may??? be sound engineerign reasosns for using their carbon core spiral wound wires????? ? even if any of us dont completely understand it, I SURE DONT but claim there may (or may not) be a good reason for doing so. John T (NOT being argumentative just enjoy electricity and hoping we might alllll learn something here, lets go ask Pertronix lol) Take care n God Bless yall