Road changed 70 years ago. New easement. Whole road was couple 100 feet on property, moved to edge of property, but 100% on same farm, _not_ 50% down line. All surveyed out. Builder comes along, decides it is real hard to make the curves around 2 buildings a bit east - out of place 1-room schoolhouse & house. So he changes the centerline of the road, keeps the road on the easement, but 25 feet offset from the original survey. More curvy. Shouldn't matter, road all on the same property anyhow, & within the easement, no harm done. Not clearly written down on any official paper, either..... . Years later, survey companies buy each other out, all merge into one. Years later, fire at the one, original documents & any 'side' notes - if any - are all destroyed for this road. Years later, county decides to widen the road, take more easement. Well, low & behold, massive survey co takes measurements from the centerline of the road, and we lose 25 feet of property! Huh. Since this is one of those 'special' sections you mention, oh well the 25 feet must just be part of the 'adjustment'. Well, see, there was a metal stake driven under the tar where the road curves, showing the property line.... Survey crew finds metal with their wand within 2 feet of where dad points. Well, uh, we wouldn't know what that is, unless we dug it up, could be anything.... Two days later, bulldozer is flattening that corner, all leveled out, tar & all. Rest of 5 miles they scrap off & recycle, but for some reason that corner got work early one morning with a bulldozer, oh, no, didn't notice any metal bits, didn't know anything should be there? Hum. All sorts of things can happen. Neigbors didn't even disagree with dad, was all county & big mega survey company. Electric company had to move posts after the road rebuild, they even stopped in and asked dad, why the posts need to be moved 35 feet on one side, only 5 feet on the other. Seemed odd to them. Hum. --->Paul