And just a thought - You are gonna need an engineer when all is said & done. Anything that long is way beyond guessing if it will hold up. some short spans with a real big beam & well, it's got be tough enough doesn't it. But, your thin beam at 30 feet, even doubled up the webbing between will need to be checked out, weld can pull apart, thin straps flex, etc. Doubling the beam as you mentioned transfers the flex of the 2 beams to the triangles you weld in place between, & they get severe stress. Folks here won't be able to hazard much of a guess from a distance. We get a beam question every few months, and those that know are pretty good at not getting in too deep with advise (someone will be standing under it at load....), but sounds like you are asking too much of what you have there. Perhaps a pro can design it out right for you. I really enjoy the threads on this topic, just like the electrical ones, we get lots of good advise from the pros - thank guys. Rarely direct answers, but great advise on ways to appoach the issue. --->Paul