Been Prayin for you all. I have family in Neosho that are living on a generator and he works for Empire Elecric and is working night and day to get you all back some power. My dad is retired from KCP&L in Kansas City and they sent 80 Trucks and lots of extra men to help as well down there. I was without power for 10 days when we had the ice storm here 3 yrs ago and I only live 15 miles east of Lees Summit. If you have no wood heat, gas furnace and have a heat pump, you have probably realized that you cannot fire up one of those without a large generator..... ...SO here is something for you to try. I had a 4800 Watt Coleman in which we used to run the freezer to keep it frozen, run a light here and there, it will keep the hot water heater working and also run a clothes dryer which puts out nice heat for one room if you can stand to be couped up with them. You of course cannot run all of this at once and have to alternate but it can be done. How many folks lived in a one room house some years ago and set the milk outside to keep it cold. Another thing you all may not know, if your coleman generator breaks or is broken, they send moblie repair centers to emergency outage areas. They had two here in the kansas city area during our ice storm and I took mine up there as a bearing went out and burned up the windings and left me high and dry. I called coleman, they told me they were at a home depot, i took it up there, it was a 10 y/o generator that i had borrowed, they replaced the entire windings, bearing, case etc and never charged me a penny. Just thought I would let you all know about using a clothes dryer for heat, take the hose off it and blow it down the hall instead of out of the house. A small generator will run one. Also dont forget to find out where coleman is repairing units there around springfield and joplin, i am sure they have mobile units around other areas as well. blessings, robert