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i hate going to walmart

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01-23-2007 07:28:56

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didn't know which forum to put this under. who else hates going to walmart? (or as we say in indiana wally world) its sad, but thats about all small towns have anymore.

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01-24-2007 14:30:34

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 Re: i hate going to walmart in reply to gyger-----indiana, 01-23-2007 07:28:56  
there is an error in my first post the town size should be 25000 not 2500 sorry for any confusion

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Brian in NY

01-24-2007 12:17:17

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 Re: i hate going to walmart in reply to gyger-----indiana, 01-23-2007 07:28:56  
It takes a little more time, and maybe a little more money....but the small stores remember your name and go the extra mile to help you out.

If I had my way WalMart would be the prosecuted by the U.S. Dept. of Justice Anti-Trust deparment.

Nothing wrong with free enterprise, but selling sub par products at bare minimum prices is just a recipe for disaster in the long haul.

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01-23-2007 16:53:52

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 Re: i hate going to walmart in reply to gyger-----indiana, 01-23-2007 07:28:56  
we just got anew one in my area 3rd building for them in a town of about 2500 opened monday. now 2 empty old wm s i dont like them and try my best not to go but sometimes have no choice.mom/pop places are vanishing fast and yes sadly we have ourself to blame i buy what i can from a m/p place called dixon hardware in a town of about 400 owner is around 75 not sure how much longer he will work or keep open if he retires his nephew possibly could take over he has worked there 20 years or so he is around age 40 we will see

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01-23-2007 13:46:43

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 Re: i hate going to walmart in reply to gyger-----indiana, 01-23-2007 07:28:56  
Walmart just kills the town business around it, its almost anti-American.

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01-23-2007 11:43:55

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 Re: i hate going to walmart in reply to gyger-----indiana, 01-23-2007 07:28:56  
It was said,

"Plus they have dictated to suppliers (farmers) the prices and its causing farmers to go bust."

Not that I am pro wal mart, but I am going to take up for Wal mart and disagree with that statement. Saw article on TV 2 different times. One was about a pickle maker crying about the prices Wal Mart was giving him for his pickles. Well he shouldn't have contracted them for that price if he couldn't make money at that price. They interviewed a couple other pickle makers that declined Wal Marts offer on pickles and those pickle makers were still in good shape because they were selling their pickles at a price they could make a profit at.

Another case was Snapper lawnmower. That company was bought out and when contract with Wal mart expired the new owners went to Wal Mart and told them that they had to have more money for their mowers. Wal mart wanted Snapper to make a cheaper mower that they could sell. Snapper said no way they were going to lower the quality of their mowers so Wal Mart could sell cheaper. You know Cub Cadet and John Deere both make a cheaper mower that sell through Lowes and others and those mowers aren't really John Deere or Cub Cadet. Thew are a cheap line with the John Deere or Cub Cadet name on them.

So you see Wal Mart can't dictate a price for someone to sell their product. Wal Mart can tell a supplier what they will pay and it is up to the supplier to take it or leave it. So there are a lot of suppliers that won't take what Wal Mart is willing to give and that is the way it should be.

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01-23-2007 12:16:37

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 Re: i hate going to walmart in reply to ldj1002, 01-23-2007 11:43:55  
I think Cub Cadets are all MTD's now. Just different grades of MTD.
Saw a green John Deere weedeater ths other day, looked like a green MTD to me :)

Many of the things Wally world are selling are rebranded and sold for lots more in other stores.

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Don L C

01-23-2007 18:31:40

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 Re: i hate going to walmart in reply to IH2444, 01-23-2007 12:16:37  
.....MTD bought up Cub Cadet back about 1985....they are making them cheeper to sell with Sears and Murry..... all sell at a cheep price and made by the same co.MTD..... They are selling the tractor and mower deck for the price of a 18 or 20 HP engine, so what can you expect....

If you want a good mower go to to a Cub Cadet dealer, they sell a good mower...But you will have to take some money with you ~ $7,000....

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01-23-2007 13:01:04

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 Re: i hate going to walmart in reply to IH2444, 01-23-2007 12:16:37  
Yes, all Cub Cadets are a MTD product. The ones sold by the big national discount stores like Lowe's are a cheap model. Go to a Cub Cadet dealer and get a Cub Cadet and you get a good top of the line machine but you pay more for it. I don't know who makes John Deere mowers but again at the large discount stores it is just a cheap mower. Go to a john Deere dealer and you get a real good mower, but again it cost more. I don't understand why Cub Cadet and John Deere put their name on a cheap product. If they want to make a cheap product looks like the would rename it and preserver their name as a quality product.

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01-23-2007 11:14:49

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 Re: i hate going to walmart in reply to gyger-----indiana, 01-23-2007 07:28:56  
I don't like them either. My wife goes all the time, so I guess we are supporting their philosophy too! In Beatrice Nebraska, the Kmart, Sears, and JCPenneys all closed after Wally World moved in. Greg

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Dave from MN

01-23-2007 10:58:32

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 Re: i hate going to walmart in reply to gyger-----indiana, 01-23-2007 07:28:56  
Thats been my conclusion for years now. I wont go there till its the last store in MN. I do not agree that the low cost aspect is good for America, low cost come's at a cost. I know many people that lost there jobs to outsourcing of what they made at their job, are now selling that outsourced product at Wally world for what.. a wage about 35% of what they made previously at a factory. Just my opinion, we'll see what happens in the next 20 years

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Turke Bros. Farms

01-23-2007 09:55:26

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 Re: i hate going to walmart in reply to gyger-----indiana, 01-23-2007 07:28:56  
Yep! I hate it too. You should not have a store where you can buy a car battery, a pot roast, and underware in the same store. It never fails!, you go in there you wont be out for an hour at least. There will be 25 check out lanes with only 2 of them open, and a line 1/2 a mile long. And who ever came up with the self check-out system is an idiot, that is NOt a time saving devise at all! Well thats my rant a rave...DTURKE

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Hard Knocks

01-23-2007 13:20:36

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 Re: i hate going to walmart in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 01-23-2007 09:55:26  
The self checkout wasn't designed to save you time it was designed to save the store the expense of hiring checkers and the long lines at the manned checkout lines are by plan so people will go ahead and use the self checkout.And as long as suckers keep going for it all hook line and sinker they'll keep doing it.I rarely go to Walmart I'd rather pay a litle more at a store that gives decent service.You get what you pay for.

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01-23-2007 09:36:56

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 Re: i hate going to walmart in reply to gyger-----indiana, 01-23-2007 07:28:56  
It's a general policy with me that when a store gets too large I won't go there anymore. Thus Lowe's, Home Despot, Wal-Mart and others are off my list for major purchases. If I need something small, sometimes I'll break down and go. Generally, if I need lumber I go to 84, Carter or another small, local place around here. Usually their lumber is better anyway.

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OH Boy

01-23-2007 13:24:54

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 Re: i hate going to walmart in reply to cj3b_jeep, 01-23-2007 09:36:56  
Is Walmart selling lumber now in some stores?

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Hard Knocks

01-23-2007 09:13:57

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 Re: i hate going to walmart in reply to gyger-----indiana, 01-23-2007 07:28:56  
Walmart doesn't run anyone out of business.The customers that quit buying from small stores and start going to Walmart for cheaper itmes are the ones that run the small stores out of business.People claim they hate Walmart but every
time I go past one the parking lot is jammed full.

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Jon Hagen

01-23-2007 11:17:12

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 Re: i hate going to walmart in reply to Hard Knocks, 01-23-2007 09:13:57  
Now that is a chrystal clear truth!!!

Put the blame where it belongs. It's not Walmart that kills all the little mom /pop stores,It's you,me and everyone else that drives past the little store to buy cheaper stuff at Walmart.

The fact that the price is so low that no competent service can be built into the price is the fault of the guy you see in the mirror. We seem to be willing to give up good service and repairability for a cheaper price item that we toss in the garbage at the first sign of trouble. That should be up on a bilboard somewhere.

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Eric SEI

01-23-2007 19:20:36

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 Re: i hate going to walmart in reply to Jon Hagen, 01-23-2007 11:17:12  
My biggest problem with WalMart is that they cherry pick their inventory. If you look at videos, they have the most recent big sellers and some cheap old ones. In books, only best sellers. In hardware, only the best moving items.

Your video store has lots of videos, but depends on the best sellers for much of their profits. Bookstores have lots of slow moving titles, and depend on the best sellers for their profits. At your hardware store, they don't stay in business selling those odd items in the back, it's the common stuff.

Walmart ignores the slow moving stuff because the profit isn't there, but we need stores to stock that stuff. That is how WalMart hurts communities the most, they wipe out selection.

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01-23-2007 08:55:51

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 Re: i hate going to walmart in reply to gyger-----indiana, 01-23-2007 07:28:56  
Hate Wal-Mart?? I do too. I also do not like Home Depot. I shop a lot for my things at Lowes and Ace Hardware. There are so many Misc. Outlets for Merchandise around the Valley of the Sun that just about any thing you want is available if you know where to go. Use the DEX pages and let your Fingers do the walking is almost necesary with the cost of Gas. It is 44 Miles round trip just to buy that Gas.See ya' John

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Mike M

01-23-2007 08:49:15

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 Re: i hate going to walmart in reply to gyger-----indiana, 01-23-2007 07:28:56  
I have a plaque that says --- " When I die bury me at Wal Mart so my wife will vist " Alot of truth to that !

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01-23-2007 08:23:42

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 Re: i hate going to walmart in reply to gyger-----indiana, 01-23-2007 07:28:56  
For mew its a love hate thing. Some times they have just what I need but then a year or 2 later when you need to take it back to cover the warrenty or get a part that needs to be replaced every so often they have stopped carrying that brand. But in this town its also pretty much the only place to but thing.

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IBorange in TX

01-23-2007 08:09:40

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 Re: i hate going to walmart in reply to gyger-----indiana, 01-23-2007 07:28:56  
You guys are not alone, I hate to go to Wallyworld. Can't stand the people and their attitudes. When the wife says "got to got to Wal Mart", I just sit in the truck in the parking lot. Last time we were there, a fat lady unloaded her cart and put stuff in her car and left the cart sitting behind the truck. Had to get out and move the cart before I could leave. Of course, if she had still been there, I know where I would have put that cart.
Shop the Mom and Pop stores, that's my theory.....

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the tractor vet

01-23-2007 08:03:53

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 Re: i hate going to walmart in reply to gyger-----indiana, 01-23-2007 07:28:56  
A for me i don't mind going to Wally World just to see the bottom dwellers that go there for a socal gathering and see just how sloppy pepole dress anymore . And the yunger group with there tattooos and percing it is sad that we have come to this stage . Like in this town at one time if ya needed it it was here now if ya need something that is not packaged in a blister pack ya are not going to find it . At one time there was four place to buy a pair of shoes and work boots 4 clothing stores a sear store not a big one but they had what ya needed and if they did not then in two days it would be there 4 hardware stores and one of them had what ya needed three auto parts store and one auto machine shop that could do anything had a small JC pennys had everything one could want and pepole that cared for your business . Now today we have Walley World and Hommer Depot and Auto Zone and a Nappa and if you are looking for a spark pulgs or points for your tractor neither one has them and have noidea what your talken about and could care less . If your looing for a sleeve of sandpaper ya ain't going to find it here the best your going to get is 5 or 6 sheets of a box of a 100 count wood screws that ain't going to happen . And this town is dieing fast with the closeing of a nother factory the layoffs at several others the homes being repossesed at record rate . And one fo these days the big box stores that drove the littel guys out will pull out because nobody will be able to buy there and don't say that is not going to happen as when there # start to fall in one area they won't wait for things to come back they will close the doors and write it off faster then they can turn off the lites.

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01-23-2007 08:01:00

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 Re: i hate going to walmart in reply to gyger-----indiana, 01-23-2007 07:28:56  
Needed a new wick for the humidifier so went to wally world where we found it the last time. Guess what? wally world doesn't handle that brand anymore, so naturally they don't stock parts. Walked out pretty much empty handed. Went to a local hardware type store much closer to home and found just what we needed.

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01-23-2007 10:03:07

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 Re: i hate going to walmart in reply to RustyFarmall, 01-23-2007 08:01:00  
Go to the Filters USA website and order it. You don't have to do all the drriving around trying to find the part and they seem to be pretty reasonable also.

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01-23-2007 10:37:46

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 Re: i hate going to walmart in reply to Vern-MI, 01-23-2007 10:03:07  
Already checked them out. By the time you add the cost of shipping, that filter cost less locally.

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David in Wales

01-23-2007 07:57:31

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 Re: i hate going to walmart in reply to gyger-----indiana, 01-23-2007 07:28:56  
Hi Gang;
Over here there are 4 big "super markets" inc Walmart now control 80% of all shopping. The largest Tesco has 30% share of all shopping and 12.5% of every Pound ($1.95) that is spend here is spent in their stores.
These 4 companies have decimated the small stores everywhere, town centres are empty. Plus they have dictated to suppliers (farmers) the prices and its causing farmers to go bust. They are importing food & other stuff from poorer Countries where production costs are minimal.
Very sore subject here with anyone connected with farming !!!
Cheers David

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01-23-2007 07:47:27

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 Re: i hate going to walmart in reply to gyger-----indiana, 01-23-2007 07:28:56  
what i hate most about wal-mart is the loud music and the dirty stores. don't they ever clean the store and the merchandise? i swear there is dust all over just about everything in there. i never see any employees cleaning and hardly see any employees stocking merchandise. and the store is always hot. in se texas climate it is warm most of the year and A/C is almost needed regulary, but wal-mart seems to keep the comfort level too hot. several friends commented about the same thing. i would not go to there stores except my wife insists it is the lowest prices anywhere. sometimes low prices are greatly offset by comfort and quality. i think we were better of before wal-mart moved in on america and i can't wait from them to go away, but that won't happen.

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01-23-2007 07:36:16

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 Re: i hate going to walmart in reply to gyger-----indiana, 01-23-2007 07:28:56  
I just don't go. I watched several small towns dry up and blow away in North Dakota once WM came to Devils Lake. Where I live now WM moved in - extra low prices until the small stores folded, then, up went the prices.

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01-23-2007 07:35:31

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 Re: i hate going to walmart in reply to gyger-----indiana, 01-23-2007 07:28:56  
I think they make it miserable on purpose. That way you buy so much more than you need so you don't have to come back for a while but you allways need somthing so you will be back anyway.
It's a visious cycle.

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Jim K

01-23-2007 15:24:39

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 Re: i hate going to walmart in reply to Stumpalump, 01-23-2007 07:35:31  
On the flip side how many people would be on the street if it wasn't for thier second job at wally world, or thier only job for that matter.

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Matt in the Thumb

01-24-2007 09:31:30

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 Re: i hate going to walmart in reply to Jim K, 01-23-2007 15:24:39  
I'll second that one Jim K. I live in a fairly small town, and have a weekend job at Walmart doing oil changes and tires. I like that type of work, and needed a second job when my wife got pregnant and had to quit her job. But I also shop the small town lumberyards and auto parts stores. When money's tight, you do what you gotta do.

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01-23-2007 18:14:03

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 Re: i hate going to walmart in reply to Jim K, 01-23-2007 15:24:39  
Exactly and whenever I go there and have a cart full of groceries etc only few lanes (checkers) open. They figure you got the cart full of stuff you can wait now.

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