Read his first post. "i was up on the roof" Enough said about that.As for my high horse, there isnt one. I Served in the military over 7 years and would have stayed had my daughter not had problems at birth that required us to move. You seem to be the one jumping to conclusions. I donate time and money to the needy and the truely disabled. If you can climb on your roof and can type on computer there are jobs out there for you. As for the handicap sticker people it was an observation and my own personal opinion that if you need special parking spot because your back hurts to walk too far, or your knees are bad, you dont need to be getting in a Tall 4wd pick-up and pushing a loaded cart of crap. Buy a Smaller car to help with your comfort and not a rough and tall truck that Is generally harder for a non-handicapped individual to get in. There was nothing said to you anyway I simply asked Old what his disabilty was and voiced my opinion, as others on here have, and asked for a response. Do you know him personally? I dont. I wanted an answer. If he was on the roof as he stated he was 1/2 way to getting his roof temp fixed. he's waiting for a hand out. Thats my opinion. now that I am speaking to you, you should respond otherwise let old speak for himself.