I've also used any sliced potatoes like IBorange to relieve flash burn pain. Severe flash burn still requires a trip to the eye Doc for the eye drops. The potatoe slice just helps with the pain. What worked for me was a 3/4 No.4 colored face shield used for Oxy/Act cutting while tacking. This is a light enough shade that the "fitter" can see to make the fit up but dark enough to stop flash burn. No, you still can't look directly at the tack weld but it will help with the "suprise" flash. Sorry but if your still flashing yourself as the weldor, you need to practice tacking for a couple hours on scrap metal. This is the only way to train yourself not to look at that instant "start". You will learn to slightly delay opening your eyes after the arc is established. Mig is the simplest to tack with. Use a long cup with the tip set back into the cup by 1/16" to 1/8". Use a 1/2" electrode stub to find your joint seam then give it a little squirt. The amps need to be turned up about 40amps from where you would normaly use for welding. This makes for a small fairly flat tack. Tig needs a full welding hood use as you need to see when metal fusion takes place for tacking. No filler rod is used if the joint is preparred correctly. Stick is also a easy tacking process. Using 6010 or 6011 with about 30amps more than required for welding, place the electrode between your "V" in your glove fingers directly over the joint seam, then poke the rod "quickly" to the joint and hold for a few seconds. That's for a quick tack. Quick tack first then long tack second if needed. T_Bone