Kirk in ks,
02-23-2007 20:26:46
Mann, O mann, I sure wish i had a good friend to help me out with my tractor,s like alot of younger guy,s I see out there with thier Dad,s, or uncle,s or Grandad,s. No one in my family will help me cause their too busy or dont care, or both, both parent,s are passed on, and sister is nothing to spaek of in colo spng,s, Uncle or aunt????? well..... forget that. He made a big stink over the Case when I traded a 26 Ford T for it, equal value, equal trade,So,, forget that he really blew it as he was telling people at the corner gas station that I got ripped off,and making a mockery over it, When that Case is a much better deal, Making me look bad in front of the people at the station when It was my Model T in the 1st place and none of his business anyway, Turn,s out all he wanted was for me to ask him to get the T before this other guy that i let it go to, he was put off and he was telling me that i was wrong to not ask him in the 1st place Ive got these two tractor,s like the case 2670, and that W-6 farmall,also a ihc 3-16 plow and a JD lister planter, I look at them and wanna redo them bad but have no one to help me with the hard stuff, and no one to ask either as no one is into anything in this town except being a know it all,and talking BS all the time, If anyone feel,s this way, Please get back to me on this as I really understand what it feel,s like to have a person help you that likes to help and is wanting to do it cause he likes it and not just being paid for it, Women Included as ive see alot of ladies out there that like this stuff and are a really big help on alot of the thing,s that us men cant do, A lady that like,s tractor,s and thing,s like this is a SUPER BIG BLESSING,AND SHE IS VALUUABLE TO HER FRIEND,S, AS WELL AS HER HUBBY OR BOYFRIEND. I would love to have something like this but alas,Ive never seen anything like that around here, Family,s, arggggh, who need,s them? Kind of a bummer!