this should be "on-topic"...sometimes i see posts by people asking values of tractors so i'll throw this out here. this was a farm equip. auction in savannah tn. i shoulda brought my ser.# book and a pen and pencil, but here's what i can remember... ford 9n, cond...well used but running, brush painted. $1100 refused, wanted $1700 farmall M, running, complete but dented sheet metal, no rust. sold for $800 farmall super A, pretty! ran nice, belly mower. $1700 refused, wanted $2500 ferg. TO-35 late 50's, rough cond., ran ok, spin-out wheels had flaking metal and looked to be going bad. sheet metal not rusted but dinged. belly full of water, $2450 MF-135 late 60's? dsl. ps. decent cond. ran good, $5750 MF-165 dsl. very nice cond!, new paint that was well done, ran well, $6000 AC 14, fully restored nice, good paint job, ran well. $1700 refused, wanted $2200 and ok....i'll even throw in a couple green tractors cuz they were oldies but goodies. JD M, narrow ok cond. $1600 JD M, wide ok cond. $1900 JD MT, narrow ok cond. $1100 no...i didn't buy anything...didn't even bid once! -mike