First, thanks for the reply's to my question last week about how many amps could safely go though 2 linear feet of No. 6 copper. Second, sorry for being short on details.I was planning to look at welder of which I knew little except it was bigger (power-wise) than my AC-225. I did end up buying it. I was hoping to keep it in the same place and use the same plug. That ain't going to work. The welder is a Idealarc TIG 300/300; It is physically too big to use where my current plug is, so I will be installing a new hook-up to the back of the garage (about a 25-30 foot run). I have some questions: The machine tag says it draws 106 amps, and recommends a 150A breaker and No. 3 copper wire (rated for 75 degrees C). Based on NEC/NEMA charts you all linked me to last week, a 109 amp draw ought to use No. 2 wire, and if we base it on the 150 amp circuit, it ought to have 1/0 wire. Can they recommend the thinner wire based on non-continuous use, i.e., the 60% duty cycle ? The recommended wire chart in the owners manual (see link, I hope) has a usage rate of 109 amps "With Cond." but a higer input rating of 117 amps "Without Cond." Does anyone know what the abbrieviation "Cond." stands for? "Conduit" does not make sense to me, and I don't see any reference to it in the manual. Lastly, I plan to use a 120 amp breaker rather than the 150 recommeded (I doubt I will ever use the maximum power range on this maching which is 125 to 375 amps DC welding) Anyone see any issues with using a 120 amp breaker? Thanks again. Tim