I bought a Char-Lynn set up off of ebay, It was listed as a setup for a Farmall M. If I remember right I paid $250.oo for it. I only used the steering motor and hoses. I made an adapter mounting plate so I could use the old steering bracket that was already on my tractor. Everything is mounted under the hood. and unseen unless you look for it. I diden't care for the looks of the Behlen power steering unit which mounts on the steering shaft, by the steering pedstal even though I could have bought one of them much cheaper. I already had a M&W Live pump on the tractor. I plumbed a Prince pioroty valve into the system when I installed it. My ol H has a IH#31 loader on it, and a saginaw 3 point hitch. Everything works very well. Some guys think that my hydraukic system is a little slow. I use the tractor daily and everything seems fine to me, and a lot cheaper than another tractor to buy and keep up. You might try posting a want ad in the classified ads on this site, or watch for a setup on ebay. But they do seem to be bringing much more than I paid last year for mine. good luck