You have all heard of the VA's problems. To bad it takes a news reporter to correct a problem as no one on the top of the heap had any idea it existed. Hummmm? Sounds like the same old crap. Totaly unexcusable.Although I may be a bad guy and all for thinking this way, but I sure deep down like to see the big dogs smoke, even though the guy that shovels the horse manure usualy gets blaimed and looses his min. wage job. But as to anyone having access to the VA in Iowa City Iowa, I sure want you to know that in the past five years or so that I have been using the facilities, I could not get better care. As I have stated in the past I drive a volenteer VA schuttle once a month or so, and other than one person complaining everyone thinks over all they do a super great job. Years ago it was the hospital with a bad name. They are indeed over run with a large patient load, but everyone is very nice. I started with the VA as a plan B for Blue Cross. I certianly would encourage anyone who is a vet to sign up. It was on c-span last winter that they wondered why the VA could buy drugs from the same company as medicare, but one drug I remember was 68 or 86% cheaper because they could negociate with the drug companies. The savings for a veteran is actualy a super gread deal, and now since 911 the vets got more popular with the politicians than before. I thing things might get even better for the vets. Now with the recent news ordeal, and election time coming near---- OH how wonderfull, now with the early start, and our great campain or is a real (cam PAIN) --YEA IOWA GETS THE FIRST LOADS OF $HITT. And with the news breaking events that we can't wait to hear every few munites is at full speed. The time in between campains seems like school vacation when I was in grade school, never seemed to last very long. Anyway Vets, take the time to sign up, and do not give up if you are refused the first time. The payback is better than planting corn perhaps. It was part of the contract when you signed up. If I can't help you I sure will try to send you in the right dirrection. The most popular coment is always--gee I just did not know that much about it, "I had the papers, just didn't fill them out" and now I wish someone had told me long ago. NE IA Dave