NC wayne
03-25-2007 19:46:42
A friend sent me this this's kinda long but read it all and see just how true it is..... What Happened? >>At first I thought this was funny...then I realized the awful truth of it. >>Be sure to read all the way to the end! >> >>Tax his land, >>Tax his bed, >>Tax the table >>At which he's fed. >> >>Tax his tractor, >>Tax his mule, >>Teach him taxes >>Are the rule! >> >>Tax his cow, >>Tax his goat, >>Tax his pants, >>Tax his coat. >> >>Tax his ties, >>Tax his shirt, >>Tax his work, >>Tax his dirt. >> >>Tax his tobacco, >>Tax his drink, >>Tax him if he >>Tries to think. >> >>Tax his cigars, >>Tax his beers, >>If he cries, then >>Tax his tears. >> >>Tax his car, >>Tax his gas, >>Find other ways >>To tax his mass >>Tax all he has >>Then let him know >>That you won't be done >>Till he has no dough. >> >>When he screams and hollers, >>Then tax him some more, >>Tax him till >>He's good and sore. >> >>Then tax his coffin, >>Tax his grave, >>Tax the sod in >>Which he's laid. >> >>Put these words >>upon his tomb, >>"Taxes drove me >>to my doom..." >> >>When he's gone, >>Do not relax, >>Its time to apply >>The inheritance tax. >> >>Accounts Receivable Tax >>Building Permit Tax >>CDL license Tax >>City Income Taxable Tax >>Cigarette Tax >>Corporate Income Tax >>Dog License Tax >>Federal Income Tax >>Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA) >>Fishing License Tax >>Food License Tax, >>Fuel permit tax >>Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon) >>Hunting License Tax >>Inheritance Tax >>Interest expense >>Inventory tax >>IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax) >>Liquor Tax >>Luxury Taxes >>Marriage License Tax >>Medicare Tax >>Property Tax >>Real Estate Tax >>Service charge taxes >>Social Security Tax >>Road usage taxes >>Sales Tax >>Recreational Vehicle Tax >>School Tax >>State Income Tax >>State Unemployment Tax (SUTA) >>Telephone federal excise tax >>Telephone federal universal service fee tax >>Telephone federal, state and local surcharge taxes >>Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax >>Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax >>Telephone state and local tax >>Telephone usage charge tax >>Utility Taxes >>Vehicle License Registration Tax >>Vehicle Sales Tax >>Watercraft registration Tax >>Well Permit Tax >>Workers Compensation Tax >> >>COMMENTS: Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, and our nation was >>the most prosperous in the world. We had absolutely no national debt, had >>the largest middle class in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the >>kids. >> >>What happened? >> >>And I still have to "press 1" for English . >>