That is always a tough one, but the communication thing helps, I'd hold it til saturday, reiterate that you must have payment, be it cash, money order whatever works for you, prior to removing the tractor, also sold as is etc. I'd also let the others know that on saturday if the deal falls through, it's still up for grabs. I think that's fair and like has been mentioned, things happen, hopefully they show up and the deal is done, I'm sure the sale is important on your end in regards to the $$ aspect. When it comes to these matters, a person should do as they said they will do, whatever the deal was. I recently had a vehicle lift for sale, guy told me he's take it over the phone, never showed up, I held it for awhile, knowing it would sell anyway, he just kinda faded away, people are funny, they tell you they'll be over for a look, etc. etc., I like the ones who do what they say the will do, they are the least trouble. A few years ago, I was on the buying end of things, bought an old caterpillar, 1200 miles away, I sent 1/2 right away and let them know when the other 1/2 would be there, but I did that when I said I would, I appreciated that arrangement to no end, these were nice people. I took a chance as I did not know how I'd get it back here, cost was a factor but I knew there were better deals out there. Someone recommended a hauler, who does a lot in old equipment hauling and all I did was make a phone call to them, he went and got er loaded, and delivered it, I gave the driver a personal check + $100 tip as soon as he got here. This was '02 and it only cost me $1.33 mile to have a D7 shipped, overwidth with blade on and all I did was make a phone call. With the prices of things now, I can't imagine what it would cost to ship a lump of iron like this now and that's only 5 years ago. The important thing is I did what I said I would do, and I'll tell you, that trucker was a real nice guy to do it on a phone call, in a world where you can't even cash a check at the bank it's drawn on anymore !