I personaly figure whatever Kim prefers is fine with me. We are guests in her house. If I could make a suggestion it would be that a subject is required as is, but refined or detailed. Perhaps some days I have to much time on my hands, and other days not so much. The days that time is limited I skip over the titles such as --Whats it worth, Had a bad day, Ever see on of these? A simple requirement to state the tractor model on one line, and problem on another, maybe desired. A good group would be ---APPROX.VALUE under the Research & information heading. Besides a requirement to read the APPROX. VALUE before posting a question. As far as changes, well let me think about that for a moment, for the most part we are older classic folks that are stuborn enough to not accept alot of change. Other than a computer we have resisted the new stuff and enjoy things like they used to be. Why just the other day a gentelman was telling me all the great state of the art things his cell phone could do. I had to ask if I could just get one that would call some one without breaking up, and recive a call as well. No "WAY COOL" TONES NEEDED EITHER. We have terrible reception in our area----regardless what the sales folks say. I told my 16 year old son that just got a new phone and plan that, I wish his cell phone had a feature to slap him up side his head when he was rude to others by talking loudly, You bet I would like to put that head slapper code number on my speed dial. Yea, I do not deal with change very well.