Billy NY
03-29-2007 21:22:25
Re: cleaning concrete blocks in reply to BSer, 03-29-2007 16:30:07
If the tops/bottoms are covered with mold, I'd think you'd want at minimum those parts clean even if not molded, because they sat for so long, as it could effect the mortar bond, it's much better to have an etched clean surface for a good bond, if you could somehow clean just those surfaces, I don't see an issue with cleaning the faces after they are up, but when in an enclosed space be careful what you mix, remember block can absorb quite a bit before it's saturated, chlorine may kill it but and you still need to wash down, same with muriatic acid, the latter would be my first choice, in a dilute solution, do a mock up and adjust as necessary, it ought to do the job, research alternative mold remover products for masonry if need be, wash em down good and becareful what you use if you plan to parge coat, stucco or paint either surface, could effect the bond, use care with muriatic acid, I like that best. That is a lot of C.M.U. laying around, not sure if cleaning them one by one 100% would be any faster lot of handling. I've got a few stacks been sittin for 30 years, still clean. That acid and a scrub down and rinse ought to clean them up, do the mock up first, it will save you time when you figure out what works best, and be safe.