Eric Allen
04-14-2007 13:49:47
Re: Dad's tractors in reply to Eric Allen, 04-13-2007 23:44:22
Hey everyone thanks for all the postings what an amazing response. Sorry, I'm 30 going to school and just moved home again to save$$. We have 50 acres in a valley in central NY with 9 tractors in various shape 1930's thru 60's, an IH M and H, a fordson major deisel, and Allis; WF unstyled ,WC , WD, WD-45, D-14, and D-19. Most need soething but almost all of them are so full of memories and plans for fix ups that it's hard to sort out what I can see go. Some I'm really attached to some not so much, but mom has the opposite problem, she can't stand to look at them every day, I on the other hand look at them everytime I come or go and think of them often how to use them and what they need to get going. It's like having a memory that will never fade, one which I can see and smell and touch anytime I want and instantly be transported back to all those hours and conversations. Crappy problem. I'm trying to move forward though, I am at least to the point where I've agreed to let the ones go that I know I can't fix, like the 19(clutch) the WF(throwout bearing) WC(thrown rod) the deisel(set up), but I still hate to see them go even though I havn't even used them much if at all...the wd and the H are the same way, projects me and Dad, got together and worked on together, I've never even driven them but I find it so hard to see them go, if I could just get them going, how cool would that be?! WD was set, and dad rocked it everyday with oil in the cylinders waiting for it to break free. 1 year after he died I did it! Probably only you guys can understand how that felt and why I want to hear it run so bad(only needs a rim and starter rebuild). I do see the other side though, I don't use them, the M and the 14(his favorite) I learned to drive on, on dad's lap, those are really important, maybe I should just concentrate on them(14 is perfect and M just needs a tire), but that 45 for instance is the one I used all summer every summer raking, we haven't had it since I was a kid but it's my buddy, we slaved together for years, but on the other hand it is in perfect shape with great tires and everything, and I just can't find much for it to do just haul some wood or a tree or my nephews truck out of the mud once in a while. It and most of the others would be better off being used but I just can't help wanting to hoard them. Maybe youre right I should get serials and pics and just save the two most important ones...but oh that 45 and the potential of that H and WD you know? Am I being rediculous or do you think a bit more time might make it easier. Sorry for the huge post but it is really nice that you all understand, nobody else in my family does. Thank you for your kind responses, Eric Allen