Even if I'm a old man and got involved up to my ears in cutting bulls I do not claim to be an expert. That being said we ignore all rules, and cut by the sign. Our sign was when the knife is sharp, and you got the time. Around here some folks do it the first day or two, others wait till cooler weather, less chance of maggots. I have heard of guys loosing cattle afterwards, just like the gall who got aids and give it to a hundred others, all the farms lost to gambling. Of course it has happened, just hard to actualy find a eye to eye case of it. My dad always said you had to make two cuts, a guy that I worked for just grabbed the tip of the sack with a pliers, pulled down and cut the bottom of the sack off. Never have I cut the cord, just pulled hard till you got the prize. Other than in a hurry to get out of the chute they never seemed fit to run a race for a week or so. As kids we always had to clean the prizes, and boys will be boys so we always put one in our mouths and chased our sisters. While helping my unckle, my cousin chased my sisters and his sisters in one house door and when they ran out the other door, first was the screaming girls, then my cousin, then his mom smacking his rear with a broom. He was pretty proud of the procedure, when he returned to help us, and remarked how the girls were afraid of a bloody nut in his mouth. He had blood all over his face, and a hair as well, when I pointed out the hair on his mouth he took it off and puked all over. We still remind him of that.