Get a tube of Strongid paste for horses....about $7.00..... same active ingredient as dog a line out from the tip of your finger to your first knuckle and rub your finger on the roof of the dogs mouth..... (that's what I give my beagles)....I usually do this 3 days in a row..... .you don't say how big the dog is, but a tube of horse paste goes a long...long...way for just a few bucks.....(think about what a horse weighs)..... . Read the label on the dog wormer....other horse wormers contain the same stuff.....but I have always used strongid paste..... I've used strongid well over 20 years on many generations of beagles. ....Ivermectin, while good as a heart worm preventative, is not as effective on hook and round worms, and doesn't do much for tape worms..... I've used Ivermectin for ear mites to, with good result....I've injected it....and gave it orally to dogs..... injecting it has a residual effect in that I've noticed it kills fleas and ticks for a day or so after injecting it..... .1cc per 10lbs of body weight works fine....(1/10th) of 1cc....(vet's formula), but I've gave it at much higher rates and had no problems.....but don't see much benefit from the higher doses..... Ivermectin is not good for Collies from what I've been told..... Vets are getting expensive around here..... and I only take my hounds if all else fails.....