How did you determine the year? Fordson Model F tractors were not released to the public until July of 1918. There were tractors manufactured in 1917, but they went to England as part of a deal Henry Ford made with the British Ministry of Munitions (M.O.M.) to ensure agricultural productivity while many of the farmers were in France, fighting in World War I. The serial number is above the manifold bolt closest to the radiator, you'll probably need a small wire brush to clear away any rust and/or grease that may be obscuring it. Once you have the serial number, cross-check it against the Fordson serial number matrix to determine the year of manufacture. You asked about a value, and/or where to sell it. My advice: Take some good digital photos (especially the manifold, radiator sides, fuel tank and drawbar) and list it on eBay. You'll get the attention of Fordson collectors from all over the country, and are more likely to get top dollar for your rig. If it is indeed one of the early Model F's and complete, I wouldn't be surprised to see bids in excess of $2500, even if it's a bit rough. Another option: Have you considered keeping it and doing a restoration? Almost all parts for these tractors are available (many are the same parts that were used on the Model T automobile), and they are a lot of fun. 
Just a thought. -- Maine Fordson