05-19-2007 08:49:13
was involved with the dumbest thing in reply to RodInNS, 05-18-2007 19:43:08
Takes longer, costs more & hurts more when somebody gets hurt or killed. Than to do the job right & safe. After every incident we always hear the mournful words such as... It was only temporary, we didn't have time, we always did it that way, we should have put that shield back on, we thought it was going to cost too much..... .etc. As for those people who think they are smart, fast and "he man" enough to never get caught, hurt or killed. Truly one of the most common ways of trying to deny the fact you are a mere mortal. They eventually spend the rest of their life, maybe 1/4 second to 60 years. Wishing they didn't do it that way. Or worse yet they teach observers/kids/family/friends/co-workers that "safety isn't needed". Then the observer gets into an incident. Just did it myself a month ago. My Brother has absolutely no time or use for safety was assisting. I started some safe work practices on the task at hand. If I had insisted they would at the very least been yelling, screaming if not a pushing or punching match. It’s so very important he “get er done” and get his "atta boy". So rather than upset my senior citizen parents whose butt kissing youngest son can do no wrong. I went along with it. So it's five titanium screws, a plate, three casts, surgery, two+ months off work and not getting jobs done here. Oh yes, the pain, loss of sleep, loss of income, aggravation, a few months of physiotherapy and the worst? The extra workload and imposed upon my already over worked wife. Not fair to her at all. And who walks off scott free and doesn't even show up here to help plant the 929 trees or assist with the spring tillage & planting. Yup, my brother. I’m not happy with myself knowing that I knew better than to “go along with it”.