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One Heartbeat Away

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Allan In NE

05-28-2007 11:58:28

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I'm not a religious person; just am not. A realist who firmly believes in nature and all things pertaining to it.

But, I gotta tell ya, sometimes things occur that makes a guy just want to sit down and ponder all things great and small and the alignment of the stars to the planets.

At the age of 62 I've over the past decade or so, come to the realization that I'm not bullet-proof like I once thought I was and that I do not control any and all things around me.

Instead of coming loose in the yard at a dead stop, this steering cylinder could have very easily given way while I was in road gear at full throttle. Could have ended up upsidedown in a ditch and wearing a 10-ton tractor/baler for a belt buckle.

Was an absolute and instant no steer condition. :>(


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North TX 626

05-29-2007 20:33:05

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 Re: One Heartbeat Away in reply to Allan In NE, 05-28-2007 11:58:28  
Hi Alan,

We have not met met but you have helped me many times with all the information you have shared on this board. Now I want to share (as a friend) the Good news of eternal salvation that is ours thru faith in Jesus our Savior. Scripture says He stands at the door and knocks...sometimes for 62 years. A good Baptist would say "Let Him in"...a Lutheran like myself would say "Don't keep him out any longer", but that is a whole nother post on a whole different board :).

I'm so glad your safe.

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dave guest

05-29-2007 20:04:36

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 Re: One Heartbeat Away in reply to Allan In NE, 05-28-2007 11:58:28  
Read that bible from cover to cover. It has all the answers and some questions to keep you looking. Jesus Christ the Lamb of God to take away the sin of the world. Let him.

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05-29-2007 07:30:40

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 Re: One Heartbeat Away in reply to Allan In NE, 05-28-2007 11:58:28  
I'm really glad nothing bad happened there. Like many of the folks here, I too feel a bit of a connection to others on this site. And I don't mind saying I'll thank GOD for you for sparing you from any pain, suffering or worse yet. I really enjoy having you around this site. I will keep you in my prayers and hope as your pondering all things great and small you realize the Greatest of them all. Many of us at one point in our lives had the same theory/beliefs as yours and by the grace of GOD something happened in our lives to change that.Also, while you're pondering, think about eternity and do yourself a favor and see what the Bible has to say. Even if you don't believe it, you will understand my concerns and realize why a complete stranger could care about and pray for another. Please don't take this wrong or as disrespectful but for some reason after reading comments you made to The Case Lady over on Cowman's board earlier in the month I've just had you on my mind. Hope I haven't crossed the line.
You're absolutely right. We are all just one heart beat away from eternity. Tom

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A Close Call

05-29-2007 06:15:12

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 Re: One Heartbeat Away in reply to Allan In NE, 05-28-2007 11:58:28  
You sure have piqued my attention , my tractor is 50 years old and has seen better days , mainly worked on getting it mobile , but I noticed when bought it had a welded support arm connecting the front axle to the main frame , AND the ball joint on the frame had just about fallen off , bolts were nearly out , being in hilly country I will for sure keep checking .

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Glenn F.

05-29-2007 05:07:53

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 Re: One Heartbeat Away in reply to Allan In NE, 05-28-2007 11:58:28  
It takes longer for us men to realize it but we cannot control everything in our world. When I finally came to realize this, what a relief it was. No longer did I have to be constantly looking over my shoulder for every possible disaster. I figured out the Maker of the universe was quite able to handle my little affairs. We just need to give our life to Him and trust Him. He will guide us in every situation of life. Like to old song goes, He's Got The Whole World In His Hands."

Glenn FitzGerald

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05-29-2007 05:39:08

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 Re: One Heartbeat Away in reply to Glenn F., 05-29-2007 05:07:53  
About fifteen years ago a farmer from this area was severely hurt in a tractor rollover caused by a ball joint that fell apart. The offending ball joint had fallen apart before and he wired it back up into place 'just to get by'. Maybe there's something to the saying "the lord watches over those who watch over themselves"Jim

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Ole 70

05-29-2007 04:51:46

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 Re: One Heartbeat Away in reply to Allan In NE, 05-28-2007 11:58:28  
Allen, I am a religious person. I however do not believe that God causes every action or things to happen in our lives, he gives us choices. I do believe he uses situations to futher his goals for us. In 1983 shortly after the birth of our second child my wife had a severe gall stone attack. I being young and dumb and scared took her to the hospital at speeds well over the speed limit. After she was admitted and we knew what was going on I went home as I was turning in the drive a tie rod end fell off of a 79 T-bird that I had new tires and the front end aligned on two days before After getting over being mad at the tire store I realized both sides to this situation. First God did not need for a tragic event to happen in my life at this time. Second though some of the laws of nature did apply such as : objects in motion tend to stay in motion until affected by some force, therefore a wheel running straight will contine to run in a straight line until a greater force changes it's direction. I my situation both God and nature were in control of me I was not. I have never been able to explain the lack of tire tracks or no dents on my car when as a teenager I met two ole ladies coming up the middle of a narrow road on a hill as I was speeding done the hill at speeds well above the any legal limits. Story for another day.

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05-28-2007 22:13:26

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 Re: One Heartbeat Away in reply to Allan In NE, 05-28-2007 11:58:28  
I've gotten more religious in my recent years, Allan.

Something called the fear of God.

Jesus is watching over you, he made sure that your tie-rod didn't kill you. It's a sign that your 'realism' needs to be put at the bottom of your thought train.

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05-28-2007 21:35:43

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 Re: One Heartbeat Away in reply to Allan In NE, 05-28-2007 11:58:28  
I'm like you Allan- I'm just not a hugely religious person- and my fiance is a religous major in college and we're getting married in a Catholic church. I've had a couple close calls like you too. Our 285 Massey has 2 cylinder under it for steering, with ball joints that thread into the piston. We've had both of them pull out within aout 1 year's time. Not a complete no-steer, but you gotta turn the wheel 2 times before they start to turn the other way because the dead cylinder strokes out before the other on would start to move.

Donovan from Wisconsin

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Bob in NC IA

05-28-2007 20:38:05

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 Re: One Heartbeat Away in reply to Allan In NE, 05-28-2007 11:58:28  
I"m not going to preach either but I had an experience that turned out good but could have been deadly. My F250 SD is the same color as yours. We came off the interstate in Wisconsin and stopped to shop. The power steering hose blew in the parking lot when I was parking. I lost all my steering and brakes. Was very happy to have someone looking after me also.

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05-28-2007 19:59:13

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 Re: One Heartbeat Away in reply to Allan In NE, 05-28-2007 11:58:28  
Had the steering cylinder come loose on a two wheel drive case ih 8920 several years ago. I was in the middle of a gate headed towards the road when I couldnt turn, 30 seconds from road gear. I checked those bolts pretty regular after that. bill

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05-28-2007 19:21:17

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 Re: One Heartbeat Away in reply to Allan In NE, 05-28-2007 11:58:28  
One good thing about tractors is you can sort of steer them with your brakes till you get them stopped, had main steering tie rod come loose on an old ford pick-up going down a gravel road, about all we could do is brake and hang on for the ride, luckily the ditches were not too steep, take care.

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05-28-2007 19:19:45

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 Re: One Heartbeat Away in reply to Allan In NE, 05-28-2007 11:58:28  
Gees Allan

Luck is on your side today.

Tie rod ball socket came apart on the 460 once going down the road.

I was able to bring it to a safe stop with the other side stile steering.


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05-28-2007 18:37:19

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 Re: One Heartbeat Away in reply to Allan In NE, 05-28-2007 11:58:28  
i had the front wheel fall of of a 4020 once. luck for me i was in driveway of farmstead instead of on road. we went on a wheel bearing packing and inspection that day. the boss realized wheel bearing hadn't been looked at for awhile.

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05-28-2007 17:51:45

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 Re: One Heartbeat Away in reply to Allan In NE, 05-28-2007 11:58:28  
You were not saved by being "picky" being perfect is impossible, humble yourself just once and give thanks....

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05-28-2007 16:59:17

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 Re: One Heartbeat Away in reply to Allan In NE, 05-28-2007 11:58:28  
Been there done that except mine did let go on road. dropped loader to stop myself just before went complete in ditch,got lucky too.

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05-28-2007 16:35:26

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 Re: One Heartbeat Away in reply to Allan In NE, 05-28-2007 11:58:28  
You must have unfinished business in life. I have heard thatif you have a close call and survive it is because you have something yet do do in life and you better pay attention. Might be as simple as telling your story to someone that will prevent another tragedy. Maybe you will someday influence a person that will discover a cure for some illness. I have had two close calls and now go out of my way to try to do good and to offer help or knowledge where needed.
Just my two cents.

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05-28-2007 18:45:38

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 Re: One Heartbeat Away in reply to DAN9-Midwst, 05-28-2007 16:35:26  

DAN9 if thats true boy have I got a lot of unfinished work to complete

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05-28-2007 15:29:53

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 Re: One Heartbeat Away in reply to Allan In NE, 05-28-2007 11:58:28  
Sure case of RED paint stress fatigue. You for sure have used up a few of those nine lives today. Not you time to go up.

Dad never farmed on Sunday or in the dark. He is as well off as the next farmer down the road who used a lot of head lights.

Keep the cards and letters posted.

Am your age now and retired about four years.

Recall turn back rather short and the harrow was upon the rear tire. All most bent the clutch handle stopping.

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John A.

05-28-2007 14:34:23

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 Re: One Heartbeat Away in reply to Allan In NE, 05-28-2007 11:58:28  
Allan, I Do Belive in Our Lord Jesus,.....I also belive in Guardian Angels....looks like you had Yours on Overtime. Best be thanking the Lord for his Blessings however they may come. As you said having a 10 ton tractor/baler belt buckle could have been a real possibility. I Do not Belive in "Chance or Happenstance" either. Glad for you it was in the field and not the barditch. Be careful.
John A.

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Larry D.

05-28-2007 13:27:54

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 Re: One Heartbeat Away in reply to Allan In NE, 05-28-2007 11:58:28  
Well... Allen, I'm 62 as well and ALL anyone has to do is Look around OUTSIDE and Just Think, That The Person that Put this all together has it Goin' On, as There is NO WAY this Ole' World could be a coincidence,, Even with it's faults.Have a most Wonderful Day.. Larry KF4LKU

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05-28-2007 13:26:18

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 Re: One Heartbeat Away in reply to Allan In NE, 05-28-2007 11:58:28  
The someone that is watching over me is also watching over you.

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old art

05-28-2007 12:39:09

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 Re: One Heartbeat Away in reply to Allan In NE, 05-28-2007 11:58:28  

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Nebraska Cowman

05-28-2007 12:31:27

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 Re: One Heartbeat Away in reply to Allan In NE, 05-28-2007 11:58:28  
Well Allen If you are a "realist" you must think about life after death. Are you ready for it? No, I am not going to preach at you but if you have questions you know where to find answers. One thing I have learned, You don't have to be old to die.

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05-28-2007 12:56:33

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 Re: One Heartbeat Away in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 05-28-2007 12:31:27  
Thats one of the nine lives used! Your guardian angel was in full protection mode on that one!

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05-28-2007 15:23:44

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 Re: One Heartbeat Away in reply to BillD1, 05-28-2007 12:56:33  
Also a reason nobody needs a tractor that goes 40 mph

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