Billy NY
05-30-2007 07:37:26
Re: MSNBC---Scammers scammed back..... in reply to NC Wayne, 05-29-2007 20:26:42
Remember awhile back I posted about one sent my way, well I conjured up a false company name; "ruthless turdeater corporation", then responded to the idiots trying to scam me, and had them baited, for awhile, problem is, to keep it going, it is really time consuming so I let it go. With some imagination, it certainly worked, yet the language barrier helps because they have no idea when they are being humiliated. Seems like the entire country of Nigeria is trying to scam the U.S. 419eater is where they posted the one about getting the scammer to pay them 20 dollars, in the end, they show a photo of it being burned, and the baiter revealing the truth that the scammer was fooled, was really funny, not sure if he burned the actual 20 dollar bill, may have made a copy of it. There is also a stern warning about the people who perpetrate these scams, from Africa, especially Nigeria, being extremely violent criminals, there have been cases where people have gone over there and have been hacked up. They warn to be careful, never know where a relative may live, good to know, also good to know that if one ever crossed my threshold, they would regret doing so.