Does anyone know anything about or where there are any publications about safe working distances from transmission lines carrying 115,000 volts ?I've had the right of way agent to our place and although I was able to voice opinions, went on record about concerns via e-mail, the person really was not much help in regards to safety or providing any information on same. We own on both sides of their easement which they own and I do maintain the areas around and on their easement as best can be done, one side was pasture, the other an active ag field with corn, and the farmer passes under them at the corner spring and fall, it really bugs me as to what is safe and what is not. The bottom pair really creep me the heck out, there are 3 pair stacked side by side on the one large circuit and the other circuit next to it is a new pair of 34,000 volts but is much higher now, plenty safe, but the 115,000 bottom pair appear to be less than 20 feet from the ground, more like 15 feet, it would be nice to know exactly how low by measuring, need some sort of device, there must be some means to measure without danger, compare to what is called for by electrical reference standards. They are obviously lower when the draw on them is at max, and when it's hot in the summer. Conductor is bare aluminum. Low spot is right where I cross, and have been for years, but for now I don't go near them at all, not worth the risk by any means, just creeps me out to even walk under them, they seem too low. I can get a steady induction or static spark off my trigger guard if stand under them with a springfield M1A in hand say at port arms. Right of Way agent who is knowledgeable about these matters was not much help in regard to safety, but did meet with me and walk the length through our place. Basically said to stay away, which I have done since before this meeting, just seems they should be farther away due to the amount of voltage. I am concerned about my activty near them and the farmer who has been working this ground for 50 years, I am suspicious that they have sagged over time, and may not be as safe as they once were. Power company loses a huge amount of money if they go down for any reason, so they probably don't want to deal with it.