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O/T Paris Hilton

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Gary in TX

06-26-2007 05:59:13

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Just saw where Paris walked out of jail last night. Reporters and photographers everywhere. Does anyone really give a rats butt about Paris going to jail? Poor little rich girl, thinks she can get away with just about anything. I wonder how she would make it out in the real world?

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06-26-2007 19:40:34

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 Re: O/T Paris Hilton in reply to Gary in TX, 06-26-2007 05:59:13  
All I want to do is use and abuse her :<)

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06-26-2007 23:08:13

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 Re: O/T Paris Hilton in reply to Leland, 06-26-2007 19:40:34  
Leland people you sooner or later wind up in jail too LOL

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06-27-2007 03:48:34

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 Re: O/T Paris Hilton in reply to w, 06-26-2007 23:08:13  
W Just what planet are you from ??This is what this chick likes from her pattern of boyfriends . Just like when her vagina was hanging out of her dress and she complained about it being photographed getting out of her car ,but she forgot we all saw it on the internet with something in it .

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06-26-2007 19:40:13

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 Re: O/T Paris Hilton in reply to Gary in TX, 06-26-2007 05:59:13  
Now just suppose one of us had pulled the same offences she did. How long would we be incarcerated? Probably until the jailhouse door rusts off... What she did would have been serious offences and serious penalties for us regular folks. I am sick of these celebreties and their antics. They need a few real world experiences, work hard for the few morsels on our tables like the rest of us do.

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NE IA Dave

06-26-2007 15:52:15

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 Re: O/T Paris Hilton in reply to Gary in TX, 06-26-2007 05:59:13  
Well I sure hope no one took pictures of me as a teenager cause there were times that I needed a swift kick. I do not think she is above any of us, but she does have money, and well --like the others said.

I did a search for her a few years ago as I was told something that guys would be interested in was posted. I was not told directly what was up, but after I saw, and I certianly mean SAW, I took a diferent attatude.

If any of you have ever went comando--even for a short time you probably never dealt with these new cameras. That picture was taken from a very long distance, at a just the right munite.

I pitty those folks that can't go outside without the cameras snapping away. I think they have a right to at least some privacy. Of course some enjoy the attention.

Have you ever listened to one of the best news folks of all times? ---yea Barbra Wolters and If you was a twee what kind of twee would you be?

Yea then the news reporters have to ask the parents of a rap ed and murdered daughter as the camera zooms in --how do you feel right now? If they do not respond then they lead them with multiple answers. So So unprofesional, and inconsiderate.

I would be the first to jump on a band wagon of news with out sports, interviews, no politicians and for goodness sake no political analisers and predictors, they should all be run over with a antique tractor.

We have soilders dealing with real issues, our country seems to be in a all time rut, and we have to listen to what the spoiled brats from England that some how earned royalty have to advise us on.

But back to Paris --well I got to go now cause the phone is ringing and I think she may be desperate by now and all ---and well tell me you steers would't enjoy having her toss her cloths all over your bedroom floor. So I'm a gona take this call, I'll get back to you all later.

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Cliff Neubauer

06-26-2007 14:06:13

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 Re: O/T Paris Hilton in reply to Gary in TX, 06-26-2007 05:59:13  
I get as sick of hearing about her as anybody but there might be a very small good side to her problems. This young lady has more or less had the whole world handed to her and yet she hasn't accomplished anything with it. I guess I see her as an example of the grass isn't always greener on the other side and I think she's done a pretty good job of stopping any young girls from looking at her as a role model.

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06-26-2007 13:39:48

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 Re: O/T Paris Hilton in reply to Gary in TX, 06-26-2007 05:59:13  

Sad part to me is many young kids will now have the misguided impression that going to jail is 'Cool'.

What a Hoe.

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Blue3992 (N Illinois)

06-26-2007 11:10:25

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 Re: O/T Paris Hilton in reply to Gary in TX, 06-26-2007 05:59:13  
This probably belongs more on the Politics and O/T board, but oh well.....

I don't mind reading about Paris Hilton's trials and tribulations. As much as I hate to admit it, I like reading about others misfortunes. I find it entertaining, much like watching a train wreck.

What I DO NOT LIKE about the whole affair is that everytime there's a new story about Paris Hilton, Anna Nicole Smith, etc, it is treated as NEWS. Right now, Paris Hilton getting released from jail is a top story on AOL. When she was put in jail, it was the headline story on CNN. That's not right. Those stories are entertainment, not news. News is something that has an impact on the country or the world. Famine, strife, wars, treaties, storms, political meetings, scientific advances--these thigns are all news. Some dim-witted socialite getting let out of jail is not news, its entertainment. I wish the news outlets like CNN would learn the difference.

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06-26-2007 10:49:02

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 Re: O/T Paris Hilton in reply to Gary in TX, 06-26-2007 05:59:13  
See, all the following of such celebrity trash is one of the many things wrong with this country. If people gave their own children, God, and friends all the attention and following they give these trashy celebs, this country would be a somewhat better place. Im not saying everyone follows these media blips, just those who do need to change. It is really sad that these people are looked up to so much, yet they least deserve anyones attention

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Billy NY

06-26-2007 09:22:08

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 Re: O/T Paris Hilton in reply to Gary in TX, 06-26-2007 05:59:13  
What excactly does she do, besides being a socialite and an heiress to a fortune? If she had horses, how'd you like to sell hay to her ? LOL !

I'll bet this latest fiasco was a wake up call. I don't get the media attention, even more so for actors and others in the spotlight, who seem to have a career in entertainment etc. I used to see quite a few famous people while working in NYC, most by suprise, some on sets next to the job, was kind of cool sometimes. I distinctly remember Chevy Chase at lunchtime in the west village one day, I had to bump elbows with him where they had napkins and condiments in this nice little Italian restaurant next to the job. The owner was yelling at the mexican kid working behind the counter to take good care of him, he could not understand english and Mr Chase was asking him for sweet and low for his cappuccino, very politely and quietly. It appeared to me that the guy obviously would have been annoyed if someone like the media or fans were chasing him around, looked like he was enjoying the afternoon and had some privacy, last time I looked he was outside, kind of staring into space, at least no one was bothering him, never understood all the hype, they're just people like everyone else.

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06-26-2007 13:37:20

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 Re: O/T Paris Hilton in reply to Billy NY, 06-26-2007 09:22:08  
what do mean what does she do? she breaks the laws on regular basis. then flips us off after wards. at the first sign of trouble she yells for her momma it ain't fair! she needed her little azz paddled as a kid maybe she would know when you break the rules you pay the price. oh i forgot she's a rich btch the rules don't apply.

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midwest redneck

06-26-2007 09:18:44

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 Re: O/T Paris Hilton in reply to Gary in TX, 06-26-2007 05:59:13  
I never really heard of her before she was thrown in jail....I guess I dont keep up with the celebrity BS. How did she get famous, did she sleep with the right people?

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06-26-2007 09:39:28

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 Re: O/T Paris Hilton in reply to midwest redneck, 06-26-2007 09:18:44  
Nah, not really the right people..... She just made a video of it, which made it into the public domain....
There's no such thing as bad publicity.


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06-26-2007 09:12:00

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 Re: O/T Paris Hilton in reply to Gary in TX, 06-26-2007 05:59:13  
who cares about some spoiled rich airheaded cupcake whose only talent is choosing rich parents? I get sick and tired about over how the media obsesses about these dimwitted no-account celebrities that wouldn't last ten minutes in the real world. But then I guess there is enough sheep watching this crap to keep the media pumping it out.

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06-26-2007 07:45:23

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 Re: O/T Paris Hilton in reply to Gary in TX, 06-26-2007 05:59:13  
The Hilton's owned a bank in Chicago land called Superior. The Feds had to take it over due to defaul on all the high interest loans made on homes to people who could never get a loan else where. Legal juice loan in a word. I did not have a problem, but many did who had over the 100K. Only closed one day. The feds ate the bad paper and sold off the rest to a new owner. The Hilton's walk away clean no problem with all the laws offered to cover them.

SOOOO the kid was raised to think no holds bared or underware may it be the case.

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Walt Davies

06-26-2007 07:23:15

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 Re: O/T Paris Hilton in reply to Gary in TX, 06-26-2007 05:59:13  
LAY OFF Paris how would like it if someone talked about your daughter the way some people talk about Paris. I watched her show several times and it was one of the better comedies on TV just good clean fun with two young girls learning what its like to be normal.


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06-26-2007 07:17:30

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 Re: O/T Paris Hilton in reply to Gary in TX, 06-26-2007 05:59:13  
I'm with JT, you must or you wouldn't be posting about it in a tractor site.

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Rich Va

06-26-2007 07:01:25

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 Re: O/T Paris Hilton in reply to Gary in TX, 06-26-2007 05:59:13  
Is Paris Hilton a hotel in France?

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Dave from MN

06-26-2007 06:16:32

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 Re: O/T Paris Hilton in reply to Gary in TX, 06-26-2007 05:59:13  
I could care less about that spoiled brat, but... I cant even watch the morning news, on any channel with out seeing her smug face, along with all the other celebs- Tiger Woods baby on this am, some wrestler, died, Princess Dianna. Good greif. How is a guy supposed to get the news that matters when Lifestyle and happening of the rich and famous are ALWAYS the top 10 news items. I'll just have to stick to Glenn Beck. He cracks me up.

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09-24-2007 17:45:04

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 Re: O/T Paris Hilton in reply to Dave from MN, 06-26-2007 06:16:32  
Glenn Beck has NO Equal! I noticed many on this forum speak as tho they must listen to Glenn. Maybe there IS still hope.

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John T

06-26-2007 06:13:06

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 Re: O/T Paris Hilton in reply to Gary in TX, 06-26-2007 05:59:13  
My oldest son and I have an ongoing tongue in cheek sarcastic joke going about how we need to stay glued in front of the boob tube 24/7 just in case theres any news whatsoever concerning Paris Hilton or Britney Spears or Lindsay or Anna Nicole so we can call and e mail each other cuz we sure dont wanna miss any late breaking news that can have such a drastic affect on our entire lives, not sure we could go on if we missed or were a minute late hearing the latest IMPORTANT EARTH SHATTERING NEWS lol lol lol

Kinda shows the depths our culture n society n values n morals have fallen into huh

John T

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06-26-2007 06:03:51

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 Re: O/T Paris Hilton in reply to Gary in TX, 06-26-2007 05:59:13  
If no one, inlcuding you care about it, then why do we see this posted on this sight?

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06-26-2007 06:02:38

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 Re: O/T Paris Hilton in reply to Gary in TX, 06-26-2007 05:59:13  
she wouldn't. nothingbut spoiled brat

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Hoss in Maine

06-26-2007 15:04:14

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 Re: O/T Paris Hilton in reply to RickL, 06-26-2007 06:02:38  
I took my jdA to the gathering of the orange fri sat sun and had a ball later,Hoss

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