Well I sure hope no one took pictures of me as a teenager cause there were times that I needed a swift kick. I do not think she is above any of us, but she does have money, and well --like the others said. I did a search for her a few years ago as I was told something that guys would be interested in was posted. I was not told directly what was up, but after I saw, and I certianly mean SAW, I took a diferent attatude. If any of you have ever went comando--even for a short time you probably never dealt with these new cameras. That picture was taken from a very long distance, at a just the right munite. I pitty those folks that can't go outside without the cameras snapping away. I think they have a right to at least some privacy. Of course some enjoy the attention. Have you ever listened to one of the best news folks of all times? ---yea Barbra Wolters and If you was a twee what kind of twee would you be? Yea then the news reporters have to ask the parents of a rap ed and murdered daughter as the camera zooms in --how do you feel right now? If they do not respond then they lead them with multiple answers. So So unprofesional, and inconsiderate. I would be the first to jump on a band wagon of news with out sports, interviews, no politicians and for goodness sake no political analisers and predictors, they should all be run over with a antique tractor. We have soilders dealing with real issues, our country seems to be in a all time rut, and we have to listen to what the spoiled brats from England that some how earned royalty have to advise us on. But back to Paris --well I got to go now cause the phone is ringing and I think she may be desperate by now and all ---and well tell me you steers would't enjoy having her toss her cloths all over your bedroom floor. So I'm a gona take this call, I'll get back to you all later.