Old, you are darned lucky it was a clean puncture, that is a bad place to get bit. I was about 5 years old and we lived next a state police barracks, sargent there had a real nice german short haired pointer, which we kind of adopted I suppose, he'd never leave the farm. One day while on the lawn during the summer, he was eating, I did not know this, went to pet him and he nailed me on the upper lip with both fangs, 2 deep lacerations, it hurt like h$ll when they numbed it for stitching, still have the scars today. My father would have shot the dog, except he knew he screwed up bad, he was licking my bleeding face as if to say he was sorry and from then on never left my side, he'd wait for the school bus every afternoon for me, even looked both ways before crossing the road, (think he got bumped once), he'd check the house when let in, if I was not there, he'd want out immediately and go find me, and if anyone else was looking for me, just need to find the dog, cause he never left my side. Was exploring around an old abandoned farm one time, surpeised some wild dogs in a barn, he kept em at bay. He sure made up for that bite, but as the saying goes, don't bother em when its hot out or while eating. I've been nailed a few times, once inside the leg, boy those dog bites hurt, used to date a girl who got tore up by a bunch of shepards that her aunt used to keep, she had some scars boy. Needless to say I don't fear dogs, but will kill one with no questions asked if threatened, with whatever is handy at the time. Sounds like the funnin around got a little outta hand !