Hmmmmm. Me thinks you not have an electrical problem, but a hydraulic problem which stems from something else falling apart.... The electrical is very straight forward on the DP. The switch is either a dimmer switch or a rocker... either way it's a DP/ST. When it's in high, the solenoid and indicator light are powered. In low only the indicator light is powered while the control valve is spring returned. So... if the lights are working, then it's shifting fine. The only way this could be an electrical problem is if the lights are also slow to illuminate.If it's lazy, it's got a leak somewhere, or the fliter screens in the system are getting plugged. Start at the pump. Look for a 1/2" square headed plastic plug. Remove it and clean the screen. See if that helps. I believe there is also another similar screen in the inlet line to the DP control valve inside the bellhousing, but I've never had to clean that one.... If there is crap in the screens, drop the oil and see what's on the mag plug. If it's got a gray paste that looks like antiseize, the brakes are likely going to pieces, or possibly the DP itself, or any wet clutch inside.... I'm afraid you're heading down an expensive path. Don't neglect this or it will get worse, and it will take more stuff out with it including the pumps (cavitatiopn), brakes (from heat), PTO clutch, DP clutch, FWD clutch, and cause a lot of havoc with the priority valves for the hydraulics. Figure out what's in the oil, and then find where it's coming from.... Rod