Reading the post below about kids and common sense made me think about how I learned all I know, and how my dad,grandpa, uncles and employers have let me "try things" and learn on my own and have taken the time to coach me over the many years. I try to take the same approach with my kids, safely but not to the point of inhibiting their learning. It has gotten me in trouble a few times, such as when my 10-year old ran in the house and yelled - HEY MOM, I CUT METAL WITH FIRE!!! after he made his first oxy-acetylene cut with me. They know their limits, know not to touch power tools or tractors when I am not there, and so far we have had zero (farm) accidents and the kids are now 13, 15, 18 and 24. This picture was taken on my phone's camera just last night as I gave my 15-year old son 5-minutes on the rented excavator as we dug a hole for my daughters horse who passed on yesterday morning (sad day). He learned a lot in those 5 minutes, including that he was trusted and someone thought he was capable of doing a job many kids wouldn't have the chance to attempt let alone actually do. Teaching and learning are life-long and the more that occurs the better problem-solvers, and eventual teachers themselves, the kids can become. Thanks for letting me put in my 3 cents...have a great day!