You can email off board for more details but I'm Canadian so.. -Big cities, excellent facilities both emerg and reg diagnostic, fast service, all type of treatments available. -Small towns, emergency facilities good, regular doctor services marginal, slow service, limited specialists available. Sometimes less than top notch doctors, some really excellent though. -Drugs outside of hospital are not covered by medicare but are quite affordable. I had no medical insurance and an antibiotic was 14$ a couple of years ago. -Almost everything is covered by medicare in hospital, pay extra for private room sometimes, medications all covered while in hospital. If you are discharged and can't afford medication there are some special help things but most drugs aren't too pricy. Old people that are on lots of medicine have the hardest time. -Used to have to pay 150$ for ambulance rides unless you were a native (indian), was to reduce nuisance 911 calls but that has changed now back to covered. -Nothing dental is covered until it threatens your life.