First of all, thanks to everyone who helped Katharine and I with our (what turned out to be) '68 Ford 3400 (as opposed to what we thought was '75), changing out the oil from what we think was 10w30 that the last owner was using, to diesel rated 15w40 practically stopped the slobbering problem and helped with the smokiness...As suggested we worked her pretty hard after changing the oil, and she came through as a trooper. We still have some issues, like a leak that looks like power steering fluid from somewhere near the steering column dripping down between our feet though I haven't gotten under there to look yet, and the starting problem now appears to be nothing more than the fact that instead of a heavier battery it was fitted with a car battery... The main thing we have an issue with now, though, is the bush-hog, it looks like it's leaking fluid from the fill/drain plug, and at the last few moments started to make a grinding noise before we shut it off real quick. Is it common for the plug to work it's way loose, and what fluid/oil do we need to refill it with? Any help greatly appreciated... Thanks!