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07-19-2007 15:01:09

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When you were a kid, what was the first thing you ever drove? How old were you when you got your first tractor? What was it?

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07-21-2007 07:19:38

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 Re: driving in reply to Lanse, 07-19-2007 15:01:09  
WC Allis Chalmers. Age 5 with my grandfather (age 75) sitting on left fender and stepping on clutch and applying left brake when necessary. To this day, I don't know how he managed to do that, especially at age 75.

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Randy S

07-20-2007 18:53:20

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 Re: driving in reply to Lanse, 07-19-2007 15:01:09  
John Deere A at age 13. At age 14 was plowing 12 hours a day in summer,dad grew cotton, corn and later got into the dairy business. Dont think he ever owned anything but JD. Got my first at 45 a 1954 60 row crop.

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07-20-2007 17:46:25

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 Re: driving in reply to Lanse, 07-19-2007 15:01:09  
JD 60 rowcrop tri-cycle with power steering & live pto. Baling straw at age 3-1/4 years. Father rode on the hayrack behind the baler. And ran to the tractor at the ends of the rows to help make turns. While nothing happened except to turn my blood a deeper shade of green.I do not recommend repeating the process. All three of my children were bought garden tractors on their 2nd birthday and taught to drive with Dad walking along side. In hind sight,not a great idea either.

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07-21-2007 07:40:37

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 Re: driving in reply to buickanddeere, 07-20-2007 17:46:25  
Our neighbors' little seven year old girl used to drive the '49 JD A and flat rack hay wagon alongside the bales in the field and we would load the wagon by hand from each side. No particular problem as the fields were flat and the tractor had that beautiful hand clutch. One day she stopped and then told us she couldn't touch the clutch lever anymore, it was too hot. That's when we found out she didn't have the strength to push the lever all the way forward and had been slipping it all the time. We spit on the pulley cover and it really sizzled but no smoke. We laughed about that for years.

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Bill in Colo

07-20-2007 15:28:32

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 Re: driving in reply to Lanse, 07-19-2007 15:01:09  
steering by 4 on 9n on my own by six, start farming by 10 on a D4 cat still have the cat.Bought my first tractor 2470 case at 37,still have it.tractors I own IH two H's one M,one B414 JD "R" 3020
case 3 La,s in disrepair, 930 and 2470
AC HD 10 crawler
massey 255 and a 6290
Ford 276II
Hancock 12e2e scraper
korning 305 dragline
color doesn't matter.

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07-20-2007 14:33:25

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 Re: driving in reply to Lanse, 07-19-2007 15:01:09  
Was practicly born on a JD620. First drove it at 4, worked fields supervised at 6, and soloed by 8. Still have the tractor and use it regularly.

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07-20-2007 07:09:52

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 Re: driving in reply to Lanse, 07-19-2007 15:01:09  
Don't remember off the top of my head if it was the 8n Ford or Massey Harris Pony that I drove first at about 4 or 5. I bought an Allis Chalmers C from the school janitor when I was 9. Moved up to a Cadilac,an Oliver 77 when I was 14. Bought it in Archbold Ohio and drove it home 150 miles.

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07-20-2007 06:05:41

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 Re: driving in reply to Lanse, 07-19-2007 15:01:09  
Sat on my dads lap and steered a Farmall H at age 4. Soloed with a Farmall M at age 7.

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MN Bob

07-20-2007 04:21:54

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 Re: driving in reply to Lanse, 07-19-2007 15:01:09  
Long ago, 1950 at 11 years young, D-6 Cat. At 12 I moved grain trucks around the field for a few days and then was told to haul it into town. Later I got a farm permit and got to drive an old International PU to school and back. Dang those were the good ole days. Bob

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David in Wales

07-20-2007 04:05:57

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 First tractor (s) in reply to Lanse, 07-19-2007 15:01:09  
third party image

Hi Gang;
The first tractors I ever "drove" was in 1960 at 10 years old I was allowed to steer a 1955 Fordson Diesel Major & David Brown Cropmaster with trailers between the sheaves of oats. I couldnt hold the clutch down on the DB and tipped the loader guy off the trailer!
Then in the 1960's on the farm opposite my parents home, I was taught to operate a 1961 Fordson Super Major correctly with all the implements they used. Spent all my holidays working that tractor for them. For me this will always be THE TRACTOR. Here is my 1961 Super Major which was built around the same time as the original one I drove.

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07-20-2007 01:16:41

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 Re: driving in reply to Lanse, 07-19-2007 15:01:09  
I started steering a Farmall 460 with the baler when I was about 5. Dad still says I could follow the windrow better than mom. I just bought my first tractor last year at age 40. An Allis WD.

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07-19-2007 22:26:19

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 Re: driving in reply to Lanse, 07-19-2007 15:01:09  
Grandpa's Ford 600 (might have been 5 or 6) w/ loader and no powersteering. Dad traded it off about 15 years ago for a Massey 165 w/loader, and it was a well deserved trade. That ford was always having something wrong with it. The Massey is a relatively good runner. Starting to foul plugs more often though...

The first tractor I actually drove for any amount of time was my (was grandpa's) 1600, and the Massey 285. I started driving for baling hay when I was 6 or 7, raked hay, hauled manure in any weather, and worked the ground in the spring...

Now I do it all, and we still use the 165, 285, 1600, and now a 1855 as the real workhorse.

Donovan from Wisconsin

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07-19-2007 21:55:09

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 Re: driving in reply to Lanse, 07-19-2007 15:01:09  
First Car to drive was a 1931 Chev. 2 door Sedan of my Dads I drove myself and 4 sisters to Grade School in. First Tractor I drove was a 8n ford. When I was 23 I bought my first Tractor a Farmall "B", Years later I bought my last Tractor an AC 190 Gas.

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Aaron Ford

07-19-2007 21:43:14

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 Re: driving in reply to Lanse, 07-19-2007 15:01:09  
MF 135, was so young that I had to choose between the clutch and the brake cause I did not weigh enough to push em both....

C Ya, aaron

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Davis In SC

07-19-2007 21:23:08

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 Re: driving in reply to Lanse, 07-19-2007 15:01:09  
8N Ford and a Dearborn 2 disc tiller, I was 7 or 8.. Dad would make the first few rounds, then let me take over. All I had to do was keep the front wheel in the furrow, and keep going around the field.. He sat in the shade of a tree, supervising.. :^) I wish he had never gotten rid of that old 8N.. I would love to have it back , now..

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john cub owner

07-19-2007 20:23:59

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 Re: driving in reply to Lanse, 07-19-2007 15:01:09  
The first one I drove was JD, I don't remember the model,because I was 4 years old, and not even able to lock the hand clutch. The first one I ever did any real work with was Dad's 1941 Farmall H. It was in the middle 1950s, and I was 7 or 8 years old and drove for the crew picking up hay bales. Thanks to a few friends, that tractor was recently refurbished and returned to me.

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07-19-2007 20:17:38

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 Re: driving in reply to Lanse, 07-19-2007 15:01:09  
my uncles farmlite m i was 11 on a new holland 77 hay baler with a wisconsin v 4 engine. first tractor i bought is a john deere a at age 44? a was built 3 days after i turned old age of 1.

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Loren in Florida

07-19-2007 19:47:17

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 Re: driving in reply to Lanse, 07-19-2007 15:01:09  
Dad's 1950 Ford 8N. I was 7 or 8. Then Grandpa's new 1956 JD 60 plowing. I was 9 or 10. And Dad's 1950 JD A. Was hauling grain with Grandpa's 1951 Ford F-6 truck when I was 13. First tractor, 1955 JD 50. I was late 30's, I guess. Rebuilt (not restored) it, sold it to my sister and bought Grandpa's 60. My son owns Dad's A.

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Gary from Muleshoe

07-19-2007 19:47:00

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 Re: driving in reply to Lanse, 07-19-2007 15:01:09  
I was about 8 or 9 and I began driving Dad's 1952 MM ZA to mow and rake hay. I didn't buy my first tractor until I was around 36 years old. It was a 1953 MM UTS. I sold it later and I now have a 1940 JD B and a 1950 MM UT. I don't farm anymore just have them for hobby.

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07-19-2007 19:30:51

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 Re: driving in reply to Lanse, 07-19-2007 15:01:09  
about 10 or 11 years old driving a B farmall raking alfalfa. grandpa pushed the pedals and took over at the corners. the first tractor i owned was a used 1650 oliver at 19 years old, seemed awful big.

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M Nut

07-19-2007 19:24:14

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 Re: driving in reply to Lanse, 07-19-2007 15:01:09  
First tractor I ever drove was grandpa's D14 Allis Chalmers. I still have that tractor. The first tractor I ever owned was a 1948 Allis Chalmers model B. I bought it with my own money when I was 11 years old. I had worked on the farm doing different chores for 3 years to buy that tractor. Later on in life I traded that for a WD with a wide front and loader. I know the guy who has it, and have told him many times that when he is ready to sell it I want to buy it back.

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gene bender

07-19-2007 19:18:59

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 Re: driving in reply to Lanse, 07-19-2007 15:01:09  
an F-20 discing plowed ground ahead of DAD planting corn with the horses in 1944

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Billy NY

07-19-2007 18:31:05

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 Re: driving in reply to Lanse, 07-19-2007 15:01:09  
'64 Ford 4000 with S-O-S trans. Correction, JD 2010 with a FEL, thought that maze shift lever on the dash was interesting, but way too young to know what I was doing, rolled it a few feet after popping it into neutral, I shouldn't have been on it at that age, my parents were a little self absorbed back then to say the least as they were nearby when this happened. Had the run of the Ford dealership, entire lot full of blue ones back then, + some yellow industrial models. Shame I don't still have that 4000, it was a great tractor, very useful, and had creature comforts like power steering, independent PTO, and 1 set of remotes. It handled a 532 ford baler just fine, spent a lot of hours cutting with a brush hog. Lest I not forget the all time favorite, the old WW-II Cat D7, that was good stuff for a kid, the sound of that old 4 cylinder barking under a load could be heard quite a ways. Watching the starting process was also good stuff. Still have that one and another about 1000 serial numbers apart. We also had a JD B for awhile too. Was fun to learn about these things as a kid, later on it was good knowledge.

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07-19-2007 17:57:23

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 Re: driving in reply to Lanse, 07-19-2007 15:01:09  
I started driving a Lawn tractor 140 JD age 7 and learned on 3020 and 4000, Then age 9 started driving White 4-210 pulling alger wagon when picking corn from combine to truck. that was in the 1980's

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Mark - IN.

07-19-2007 17:35:40

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 Re: driving in reply to Lanse, 07-19-2007 15:01:09  
One of those old blue peddle cars down a steep hill, and did at least a couple of flips and rolls, but the doors were welded on, so they didn't fly off like in the movies. Back then, them peddle cars were made of thick durable steel and the only scratchs, cuts, dents, and stitched repairs were on me. My older brother and his buddies shouldn't have pushed me down that hill in the first place, nor should they have said, "Don't worry, you won't get hurt"...and then laughed, "He's going to get killed" as soon as I took off down the hill. Glad I wasn't wearing a seat belt or I would've been killed for sure...it was a convertable. We also used to take turns climbing trees while the others cut them down. The thought was that you could jump out/off just before they hit the ground and not get hurt. It worked in the cartoons. Guess that's why they were cartoons. No wonder Mom had grey hair by the time she turned 29, eh? Ahhhh, to be a kid again.

First tractor drove was an H, and it wasn't down a steep hill either.

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07-19-2007 17:34:09

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 Re: driving in reply to Lanse, 07-19-2007 15:01:09  
Ford 9n between my great grandads knees learning to cultivate snap beans. He was born in 1870, got his first tractor the 9n in 1950 and farmed till 1962.

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Davis In SC

07-19-2007 21:13:06

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 Re: driving in reply to mjbrown, 07-19-2007 17:34:09  
"He was born in 1870, got his first tractor the 9n in 1950 and farmed till 1962."

Dang ! That is quite a story.. Buy a tractor at age 80, and farm til the age of 92... :^)

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07-20-2007 09:40:11

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 Re: driving in reply to Davis In SC, 07-19-2007 21:13:06  
He never harvested his last crop of beans. Just kinda dropped dead after a long healthy life. He had a 1950 Ford car, drove at horse and buggy speed.

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Paul Shuler

07-19-2007 17:04:42

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 Re: driving in reply to Lanse, 07-19-2007 15:01:09  
An old snapper riding lawm mower.

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07-19-2007 15:55:25

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 Re: driving in reply to Lanse, 07-19-2007 15:01:09  
Gramps's 1950 Cub when I was 8 years old, was thre first I drove. My first was a 1949 Farmall C when I was 12. I still have both of them.

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Kentucky Ed

07-19-2007 15:52:11

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 Re: driving in reply to Lanse, 07-19-2007 15:01:09  
First drove 1951 8N Ford pulling a tobacco wagon. First owned 1957 Farmall 230 tobacco tractor. Now own 48 Farmall C, 55 TO35, 55 Farmall 100, 90 Zebra 2522, 06 NH 55TT. I don"t have a favorite. I still think I want to own a 2 cyl JD. We had a new 1010 JD and it was the worse piece of junk I ever was on. My uncles Deeres all have steering problems. His 420 was a super tractor and he still uses that old John Deere. Those old "good" John Deere tractors are becoming really pricy and hard to own.

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Hoss in Maine

07-19-2007 15:09:52

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 Re: driving in reply to Lanse, 07-19-2007 15:01:09  
8n ford when 8yrs old, 48 yrs old,1928 jd gp later Hoss

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07-19-2007 17:05:57

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 Re: driving in reply to Hoss in Maine, 07-19-2007 15:09:52  

I barely remember driving a Fordson tractor. Must have been in the middle 1940's when I was less than 10 years old.


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