Flash, I didnt understand if theres like NO generator at all currently or if you have a 6 volt genny on it that you wanna use to charge that 12 volt battery????? ???? Fer sure you gotta have a 12 volt VR regardless to charge that 12 volt battery. Like my friend Gerald noted its marginally possible to charge a 12 volt battery using a 6 volt genny with a 12 volt VR but thats NOT the best or engineering correct method nor will it set the world on fire with any high charge rate. If you go the generator route versus an alternator Id EITHER just get a Delco 12 volt genny (they look same and same size as a 6) or you could take an old 6 volt to a genny shop n have it rebuilt up to a 12 volt. Im NOT an altewrnator fan on old tractors TRUE they charge MUCH BETTER but they look like crap on an antique tractor in my opinion lol The old style LHBD 4 position light switch can still be used for bright or dim lights control but the Low and High charge positions arent wired in or used of you use a full fledged 3 or 4 terminal Voltage Regulator. If you use a 3 terminal (BAT ARM FLD) VR, BAT on VR wires up to the Load (NOT battery/starter) side of ammeter,,,,, ,ARM wires to gennys Arm post,,,,, ,FLD wires to gennys Filed post. Polarize the genny before you start her up. John T