In many situations it can be a good thing to work alone, like others said, when you have help, they need to match your work ethics or it's a problem. Yap yap yap, and getting something done, does not mix well at all. Sometimes the work you are doing is suited for one person, other times, that helper or crew is a nice thing to have. Being somewhat of a perfectionist, well with grain of salt, and a preference to do things the right way the first time whenever possible, in general, just taking pride in whatever type of work it may be, it can be hard to delegate and or let loose of the reins and trust someone to do things as you would. That is my biggest beef about it, and not to have unrealistic expectations or be a monkey on someones back, it's nice to know who you are working with is on the same page with you. I was doing a consulting gig 10 years ago and the paperwork was insurmountable, long story short I had to quickly integrate a system while working within a state agency, well I was treading water getting contractor submittal packages logged in distributed, reviewed and sent back out again, 10 seperate projects, thousands of packages to handle, it beacame overwhelming, but we knew we'd need a staff at the onset, hired 2 fresh out of college guys and a russian mechanical engineer, did some quick training, eventually had 6 people, orientating them to what we where doing and how I wanted things to be done, it was hard to let them go at first, but we did it. We worked as a team and did some great things for the client which was the state of new york, they gave great references for me, and both the mechanical engineer and one of the recent college grads (then) are still there, I made some good friends in that agency, they are still a very respected agency, they get the jobs done right, taxpayers money, seems odd but it's true. People always make the difference, without good people, that have similar work ethics, values, and standards, you are sometimes better working alone, but there comes a time when you just can't do everything, heck I needed to get an appendectomy during this gig during a peak crunch on the next big project and I stayed until I knew I'd best get to the doc and see what was up, at least I finished the week out (foolishly), was out the entire next week, those guys took up the slack and did a great job in my absence. When I came back, it was nice to see they kept things in order. I learned that as much as I thought I could do, good help will make a difference, but would prefer to work alone if the help is not going to cooperate or take pride like I do. Good thing to talk about, I'd have been fired on that gig had I not realized that without the help we'd never keep things rolling on these fast track jobs, many nights before help arrived I'd stay until midnite to purge the work piled up, clear the tables, gets to a point where you just can't do it all yourself, so it's good to recognize that in all walks of life.