A creamery was built in a town about 5 miles from our farm, way back when, at Perth, North Dakota. The story is that it was completed, more or less, then the backers went broke. I can't seem to find anyone still alive who knows the whole history of the venture. The GREAT condition of the boiler tubes, as seen through the inspection hole seems to back up the fact it was only fired for testing, or for a short time.It was torn apart, then the boiler was used as "fill" in a grain elevator driveway. In the 60's, the elevator remodeled, and re-did the driveway, and the boiler emerged, looking pretty much as it did originaly, except for some cement in some of the tubes near one end. My Uncle was doing electrical work at the site at the time, and got the boiler, and had a friend haul it home on an implement truck. Here's some photos of it. The guy in the other thread is considering it for a decoration, I wonder if there would be any other uses for it? It seems a shame to let it rust away, but I suppose, for safety issues, there'd be no way of actually using it? The thing is BIG... Drum diameter, 3'. Overall length, 11'-1". Steam drum diameter, 23". Steam drum height above boiler, 21". 
