I have two Chrysler cars, a 95 Neon (aka the 'Dodge NoRun') and a 98 Breeze (aka the 'Plymouth Wheeze') both with the infamous 2.0L four. Each has a strikingly similar playlist of plagues like on again-off again dashboards, oil smoking, clattering lifters and radiator/water pump failures, to mention just a tiny few. I'm so upside down on each car I'm reluctant to put much more money in them, yet I have to, to drive them or sell them. Grr. Anyway, would it make sense to switch from 10W-30 to 5W-40 or some additive to reduce the smoking and prolong the agony, I mean life, of these two fine American made icons of automotive supremacy? Would it make further sense to contemplate a valve job, for the sake of new valve guides and seals? i.e. Just what typically does make these calamaties, I mean cars, seem to go to an early living death? I've given them all the love a man can give, well-- not like a tractor, but still, well-maintained. Yet they repay my affection with hellish clouds of steam, fogs of blue smoke, a cacaphony of clattering and a positively raucous romp of metallic, monotonous, mechanical and monstrous mayhem! Oh, help me, brother tractor men, so I may love again. Okay, nevermind that, let's just stick to the crankcase. Any ideas, gents?