We're still a long ways from being done with all the chopping, but today was a pretty good day. I switched heads and put the hay head on because rain was coming tonight and went like he11. I didn't get out in the field until about 11:30, and I chopped off 15 loads of 4th crop haylage today. Got 35 of the 40 acres off, and then the rain came. It was just starting as I was 1/2 way done with my last full load, but I only had 4 windrows left in the field I was on so I hooked to the next empty and finished it off. Heck of a lightning show all around too, and I was in the middle of a big open area driving a great big lightning rod... Makes ya jump a little when you see a really big & bright one... Dad was hauling and putting it in the bag. No way it would blow, it was just too gummy for that so we didn't even try. So far we've got 9 loads of corn in the bag (yesterdays chopping), now 14 loads of 4th crop (1 still on the wagon) and maybe 2 1/2 more to go, then the corn head goes back on. Got it down to less than 1 hr. to switch them over on the old Fox 3000. Hopefully tomorrow goes as well, but something has to break right before noon... It's just the law of farming... Donovan from Wisconsin