Overkill is good, but you could put a lighthouse on top of your wagon, and some people would be too stupid, distracted, drunk, or just plain bull-headed to see it or understand it. Around here, at least once every winter, some fool rear-ends a state snowplow truck. Big orange dump truck, orange strobes on top, and two more big orange strobes on the tailgate. As I said, stupid distracted or drunk, and absolutely no clue about relative speeds. I rent 20 acres of hay land about 6 miles from my home place. Four miles of that is state highway, not a lot of traffic, but some of it is pretty crooked, with poor visibility ahead. Moving a whole spread of machinery there and back twice every summer can be nerve wracking to say the least. If I don't have to change my shorts at least once every year I feel pretty lucky. The worst is passing when there is no way they can see. I don't want to wish anybody any bad luck, but where is the cement truck when you need it? I often use an escort car, but it isn't always possible. If I see the town cop on my way, I ask him to put his flashers on and follow me through the worst of it. I keep hoping somebody will do something stupid while he is behind me, but it never happens. If I were traveling that road every day, like the farmers that live on it ,I would invest in some pretty powerful warning lights. One thing to remember, lights etc. may not prevent a crash, but in the unfortunate event of one, you will be less likely to be held responsible.