This single BIGGEST reason for a "slew" of codes on these is a bad ground (as I believe I've told you before). There's quite a number of ground wires to tie the engine, batteries, instruments, transmission, and 'puter all together. This "freaks" the 'puter out, and sets all kinds of codes, as it "skews" the voltage the 'puter is seeing from a whole bunch of sensors. Also, dirty, corroded, "bad" connections between the dual batteries will cause all kinds of trouble codes, as well. Another thought... the engine shutdown solenoid shares a fuse (or fusible link, I can't recall) with the fuel heater, which is prone to shorting out. Disconnect the fuel heater (wires come out of the BOTTOM of the fuel filter, IIRC) and check ALL your fuses. 
The engine shutdown solenoid is the silver cylindrical part with wires coming out the top protruding upwards near the top of this photo, on the upper left side. The "fuel solenoid", lower down, and to the right, in the photo IS under 'puter control, and closes, then opens EACH TIME the pump injects fuel. The "Engine Shutdown Solenoid" is a simple solenoid with a plunger hanging downward that shuts off fuel flow to the pump and engine when the key is shut "OFF". 
This solenoid is powered direct from the key, NOT through the electronics, as the rest of the pump is. Put your hand on the solenoid, and have someone turn on the key. You should hear and feel it snap "open". Don't mistake the "snap" of the glowplug relay at the back of the block for the "snap" of the engine shutdown solenoid! If is does NOT "snap" open, you'll need to find out why it's not being powered up when the key is turned "ON". RARELY, the solenoid itself will go bad. That solenoid simply screws into the pump, and nothing "magic" will jump out if you unscrew the shutdown solenoid. The more I think about this, that first code PROBABLY tells a LOT about this problem... the 'puter is not seeing the voltage it expects being sent to the solenoid. Do as I said with the fuel heater, check the fuses, and replace as needed, and let's get the shutdown solenoid to power up. Post back, and let us know what you found out. If you want LOTS of knowledgeable advice, check out the 6.5 section of "". A search of the archives over there would turn up LOTS of information on a possible shorted fuel heater, or where all the grounds are. You have to register to post on the message board there, and part of the site is "subscription only", but it's the best money you can spend as a 6.5 owner!