Okay, to begin with, I'm no Pollyanna, prima donna nor perfect angel. However, I do make my kids change TV channels sometimes, confiscate their rap crap CDs and keep Net Nanny on their computers. The world today is just getting too rude, coarse and vulgar for my taste. That's why it grates on me to come here and hear more of it from my fellow YT posters. Fellas, I suggest a few of us need to consider what we say to each other before clicking that Send button. It's getting a bit out of line, don't you think? We have men, women and kids on this board of all walks and sensibilities. Some are crude, rough and loud while others are reserved, conservative or even highly spiritual. No one person has a right to foul the boards with their mean-spirited spew while disregarding how other folks might feel about that kind of talk. I'm not just talking about the coyly misspelled profanities (gee, the kids will never figure that out) but also the beligerent, arrogant and abusive stuff too. You shouldn't call people names or tell them to "shut up" because you don't subscribe to their viewpoint. Who do you think you are? And while I'm up here, a lot of guys here seem to enjoy ribbing Lanse for whatever reason. That's fine I guess but often that ribbing transcends into hateful and disrespectful trash talk. What are grown men doing getting aggressive and hateful with a kid? He's, what, 14 years old? Knock it off. I'd much rather have a young guy like Lanse on here than many of the typical 14-yr olds I run across with their screwed up ideas. If some young fellow says something you consider dumb and you feel you must say something, maybe you could counsel him a bit or offer some big guy advice but do not put him down, call him an idiot or otherwise jam a hateful barb at him. Stuff like that can affect a kid more than you remember. We were all young once, said things our elders considered foolish, made dumb mistakes and sometimes held opinions contrary to the main. Thank God there were those along the way that just smiled quietly at our naivete, put a hand on our shoulder and guided us gently back on track. As a group, we arguably represent the rural, agrarian citizenry to the rest of the world, as seen through the lens of the Internet. I suggest that while we continue our robust discussions and spirited interactions, we try to be more civil and constructive and not be letting the fire rush to our heads so much. My two, you may flame me now.